
US: /ˌɪˈɫɑdʒɪkəɫ/
UK: /ɪlˈɒd‍ʒɪkə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

illogical /i'lɔdʤikəl/
  • tính từ
    • không lôgíc, phi lý
      • an illogical analysis: một sự phân công không lôgíc

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
not sensible or thought out in a logical way: illogical behaviour / arguments + She has an illogical fear of insects. + It's illogical to pay for homeless families to stay in hostels instead of building new houses.
Antonym: LOGICAL
illogicality noun [U, C]
illogically adverb: She felt illogically happy when she heard the news.

Collocation dictionary


be, seem, sound


completely, entirely, quite, totally | rather, slightly | apparently | strictly
Although strictly illogical, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best.