
US: /ˈhʊk/
UK: /hˈʊk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

hook /huk/
  • danh từ
    • cái móc, cái mác
    • bản lề cửa
    • (từ lóng) cái neo
    • lưỡi câu ((cũng) fish hook)
    • lưỡi liềm, lưỡi hái; dao quắm
    • (thể dục,thể thao) cú đấm móc (quyền Anh)
    • (thể dục,thể thao) cú đánh nhẹ sang tría (đánh gôn)
    • (thể dục,thể thao) cú hất móc về đằng sau (bóng bầu dục)
    • mũi đất; khúc cong (của con sông)
    • (nghĩa bóng) cạm bẫy
    • by hook or by crook
      • bằng đủ mọi cách, trăm phương nghìn kế (để đạt mục đích gì...)
    • to drop (pop) off the hooks
      • (từ lóng) chết
    • hook and eye
      • cái móc gài (để gài hai bên mép áo...)
    • hook, line and sinker
      • (xem) sinker
    • on one's own hook
      • (từ lóng) cho riêng mình phải gánh vác một mình
    • to take (sling) one's hook
      • (từ lóng) chuồn, tẩu, cuốn gói
  • ngoại động từ
    • móc vào, treo vào, mắc vào; gài bằng móc
    • câu (cá); (nghĩa bóng) câu (chồng)
    • (từ lóng) móc túi, ăn cắp, xoáy
    • (thể dục,thể thao) đấm móc (quyền Anh)
    • (thể dục,thể thao) đánh nhẹ sang trái (đánh gôn)
    • (thể dục,thể thao) hất móc về đằng sau (bóng bầu dục)
    • nội động từ
      • cong lại thành hình móc
      • (+ on) móc vào, mắc vào; bị móc vào, bị mắc vào; bíu lấy (cánh tay...)
      • to look it
        • chuồn, tẩu, cuốn gói

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc: a picture / curtain / coat hook + a fish-hook + Hang your towel on that hook.
    see also BOATHOOK
    2 (in boxing) a short hard blow that is made with the elbow bent: a left hook to the jaw
    3 (in cricket and golf) a way of hitting the ball so that it curves sideways instead of going straight ahead
    Idioms: by hook or by crook using any method you can, even a dishonest one
    get (sb) off the hook
    let sb off the hook to free yourself or sb else from a difficult situation or a punishment
    hook, line and sinker completely: What I said was not true, but he fell for it (= believed it) hook, line and sinker.
    off the hook if you leave or take the telephone off the hook, you take the RECEIVER (= the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call you
    more at RING v., SLING v.
    + verb
    1 [+adv./prep.] to fasten or hang sth on sth else using a hook; to be fastened or hanging in this way: [VN] We hooked the trailer to the back of the car. + [V] a dress that hooks at the back
    2 [+adv./prep.] to put sth, especially your leg, arm or finger, around sth else so that you can hold onto it or move it; to go around sth else in this way: [VN] He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over. + She hooked her arm through her sister's. + He managed to hook his fingers under the stone. + Her thumbs were hooked into the pockets of her jeans. + Hook the rope through your belt. + [V] Suddenly an arm hooked around my neck.
    3 [VN] to catch a fish with a hook: It was the biggest pike I ever hooked. + (figurative) She had managed to hook a wealthy husband.
    4 [VN] (especially in golf, cricket or football) to hit or kick a ball so that it goes to one side instead of straight ahead: He hooked his drive into the trees. + I hooked the first ball for a six. + He hooked his shot over the bar. + Try and hook the ball around the defenders.
    Phrasal Verbs: hook<->up (to sth)
    hook sb/sth<->up (to sth) to connect sb/sth to a piece of electronic equipment or to a power supply: She was then hooked up to an IV drip. + Check that the computer is hooked up to the printer.
    related noun HOOK-UP
    hook up with sb (informal)
    1 to meet sb and spend time with them: In India I hooked up with a couple of students for a few weeks.
    2 to start working with sb: They formed the band in 1998, hooking up with bass player Rod Byrne.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 hanger, peg, holder; fastener, catch, clasp, clip, pin:
    Hang your hat on that hook. I'm using a safety pin because the hook on my dress is gone
    2 snare, trap; fish-hook:
    What can we use as a hook to catch the fish?
    3 by hook or by crook. somehow (or other), someway, come what may, by fair means or foul, (by) one way or another:
    I have to get out of this place by hook or by crook.
    4 hook, line, and sinker. completely, entirely, all the way, through and through, thoroughly, entirely, totally, utterly, wholly:
    She actually fell for that old routine hook, line, and sinker.
    5 off the hook. (set) free, (in the) clear, out of it; out of trouble, acquitted, exonerated, cleared, let off, vindicated, off:
    After paying them the extortion money, he still wasn't off the hook.
    6 catch, trap, entrap, snare, ensnare; grab, capture, collar, nab, seize; Chiefly US and Canadian snag, Colloq pinch:
    The petty crooks have been caught but we now want to hook the big fish himself
    7 steal, pilfer, filch, palm, shoplift, rob, Slang snitch, rip off, Euphemistic liberate, remove, borrow, appropriate, Brit nick, Chiefly Brit pinch:
    They used to hook sweets from Woolies'.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a catch for locking a door
    +a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook
    +anything that serves as an enticement
    +a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something
    +a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
    +a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer
    +a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent
    +a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket
    +fasten with a hook
    +rip off; ask an unreasonable price
    +make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle
    +hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
    +take by theft
    +make off with belongings of others
    +hit with a hook
    +catch with a hook
    +to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)
    +secure with the foot
    +entice and trap
    +approach with an offer of sexual favors