
US: /ˈhoʊɫdɪŋ/
UK: /hˈə‍ʊldɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

holding /'houldiɳ/
  • danh từ
    • sự cầm, sự nắm; cách cầm, cách nắm
    • ruộng đất; tài sản
      • small holdings: những mảnh ruộng nhỏ (sở hữu hoặc phát canh)
    • cổ phần
      • holdings in a business company: cổ phần trong một công ty kinh doanh

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 ~ (in sth) a number of shares that sb has in a company: She has a 40% holding in the company.
2 [often pl.] an amount of property that is owned by a person, museum, library, etc: one of the most important private holdings of Indian art + The Lehman holding has been housed in the museum since 1975.
3 a piece of land that is rented by sb and used for farming

Thesaurus dictionary

1 grasp, grip, clasp, seize, clutch, keep; carry, Colloq hang on to:
She asked me to hold the baby for just a minute while she bought her railway ticket
2 hug, embrace, clasp, cradle, clench, clutch, enfold:
He held me in his arms briefly before the guards led him into the quad
3 maintain, keep, put:
Hold up your hands and kick the gun over here to me.
4 maintain, keep, sustain, absorb, occupy, engage, involve, engross, monopolize:
You hold his attention while I try to get round behind him.
5 confine, restrain, detain, contain, coop up:
Even a strait-jacket and chains couldn't hold Houdini.
6 imprison, detain, confine, place into custody, put behind bars, jail:
He is being held overnight for questioning.
7 believe, deem, judge, consider, regard, look on or upon, maintain, think, esteem, take, assume:
What do you hold to be important in life? Father holds me responsible for every little dent in his car.
8 accommodate, support, carry:
That little nail won't hold this picture.
9 contain, include, comprise:
This suitcase holds everything I own in the world.
10 call, convene, assemble, convoke; run, conduct, engage in, participate in, have, carry on, preside over, officiate at:
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, at noon.
11 apply, hold good, be in effect or in force, stand or hold up, hold or prove or be true, be the case, function, operate, be or remain or prove valid or relevant or applicable or operative, Colloq hold water, wash:
What may be in order for Manchester may not necessarily hold for another city
12 have, possess:
She holds two engineering degrees. He was holding four aces.
13 remain or keep (fast), stay, stick:
Screws are needed here - nails won't hold.
14 hold back.
(a) restrain, repress, suppress, curb, inhibit, control, check, keep back, hinder:
Many reasons hold me back from telling you what I think.
(b) withhold, reserve, deny, keep back, refuse:
We ought to hold back payment till the work is completed.
15 hold down. a control, restrain, check; reduce, diminish:
We must hold down inflation.
(b) keep, maintain, manage:
He has to hold down two jobs to pay all the bills.
16 hold forth.
(a) Often, hold forth on or upon. lecture (on), declaim, harangue, preach (on or about), orate, sermonize (on), discourse (on), speechify (on or about), expatiate or expand on or upon, Colloq go on (about), Brit rabbit or natter or witter on (about):
As usual, Pinckley endlessly held forth on his pet subject, fishing.
(b) hold out, offer, proffer, tender, submit, advance, propose, propound, hold out, extend:
The company has held forth a profit-sharing plan that we cannot refuse
17 hold in.
(a) control, curb, check, hold back, restrain, contain:
I could hold myself in no longer and a scream escaped my lips.
(b) conceal, hide, suppress:
How can I hold in my feelings for you?
18 hold off.
(a) delay, defer, put off, refrain from, postpone, avoid:
We held off buying till we had the money saved up.
(b) repel, keep off, repulse, fend off, rebuff, resist, withstand:
We held off the attackers till help came.
19 hold on.
(a) grip, grasp, hold, clutch, cling:
Hold on to the rope and I'll pull you up.
(b) keep, maintain, cling, hang on, retain:
Don't try to hold on to yesterday's dreams.
(c) stop, wait, hold off, Colloq hang on:
Hold on a minute! I'm not finished.
20 hold out.
(a) last, carry on, persist, persevere, continue, hang on, stand firm or chiefly US pat, endure:
I hope that the good weather holds out for our trip. Can we hold out till reinforcements arrive?
(b) offer, proffer, extend, hold forth, present:
I grasped the hand he held out.
21 hold over. a postpone, delay, defer, put off, hold off, suspend:
The decision is to be held over till next year.
(b) continue, retain, extend, prolong:
The singer was popular enough to be held over a month.
22 hold up.
(a) rob, waylay, Colloq mug, stick up; knock off or US over:
Two men held up the bank courier last night.
(b) delay, impede, hinder, slow (down or up), set back, detain:
I was held up by the infernal traffic again.
(c) last, survive, fare, bear up, endure:
I am not sure that my car will hold up through another winter.
(d) present, show, exhibit, display:
Gibbons has been held up to ridicule since the scandal.
23 hold with. support, sustain, agree to or with, favour, countenance, approve (of), subscribe to, condone, concur with:
Being married to her doesn't mean you have to hold with all her ideas.
24 grasp, grip, clasp, clutch:
Take hold of the rope!
25 foothold, toe-hold, purchase:
She lost her hold and fell. He has a good hold on the subject.
26 power, dominance, mastery, control, ascendancy, authority, influence, leverage, sway, Colloq pull, clout:
She has a hold over him that makes him do her bidding.

Concise English dictionary

+the act of retaining something
+something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone

+the act of grasping
+understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
+power by which something or someone is affected or dominated
+time during which some action is awaited
+a state of being confined (usually for a short time)
+a stronghold
+a cell in a jail or prison
+the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
+the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
+organize or be responsible for
+keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"
+have or hold in one's hands or grip
+to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
+have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices
+have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
+keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
+contain or hold; have within
+lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
+remain in a certain state, position, or condition
+maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
+assert or affirm
+remain committed to
+secure and keep for possible future use or application
+be the physical support of; carry the weight of
+hold the attention of
+keep from exhaling or expelling
+support or hold in a certain manner
+have room for; hold without crowding
+be capable of holding or containing
+be valid, applicable, or true
+take and maintain control over, often by violent means
+protect against a challenge or attack
+declare to be
+have as a major characteristic
+cause to stop
+bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
+cover as for protection against noise or smell
+drink alcohol without showing ill effects
+be pertinent or relevant or applicable
+arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
+resist or confront with resistance
+keep from departing
+stop dealing with
+aim, point, or direct
+be in accord; be in agreement