
US: /ˈɡɹivəs/
UK: /ɡɹˈiːvəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

grievous /'gri:vəs/
  • tính từ
    • đau, đau khổ
    • trầm trọng, nặng (vết thương, lỗi lầm); tai hại
    • đau đớn, đau thương (tiếng kêu, tin tức)
    • trắng trợn, ghê tởm (tội ác)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
(formal) very serious and often causing great pain or suffering: He had been the victim of a grievous injustice.
grievously adverb: grievously hurt / wounded

Thesaurus dictionary

1 severe, heavy, painful, grave, serious, distressing, harmful; damaging, hurtful, acute, wounding:
The church buildings suffered grievous damage from the storm. He was charged with causing grievous bodily harm
2 egregious, awful, flagrant, terrible, outrageous, heinous, dreadful, atrocious, monstrous, appalling, shocking, deplorable, calamitous, lamentable, intolerable, shameful, unbearable:
Missing that catch was a grievous error.

Concise English dictionary

+causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
+causing or marked by grief or anguish
+of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought
+shockingly brutal or cruel