
US: /ˈɡaʊdʒ/
UK: /ɡˈa‍ʊd‍ʒ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

gouge /gaudʤ/
  • danh từ
    • (kỹ thuật) cái đục máng, cái đục khum
    • rânh máng; lỗ đục tròn
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sự lừa đảo, sự lừa gạt
    • ngoại động từ
      • ((thường) + out) đục bằng, đục máng
      • khoét ra, moi ra, móc ra
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) lừa dối, lừa đảo, lừa gạt (ai)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb [VN]
    1 ~ sth (in sth) to make a hole or cut in sth with a sharp object in a rough or violent way: The lion's claws had gouged a wound in the horse's side. + He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.
    2 (AmE) to force sb to pay an unfairly high price for sth; to raise prices unfairly: Housing shortages permit landlords to gouge their renters. + Price gouging is widespread.
    Phrasal Verbs: gouge sth<->out (of sth) to remove or form sth by digging into a surface: The man's eyes had been gouged out. + Glaciers gouged out valleys from the hills.
    + noun
    1 a sharp tool for making hollow areas in wood
    2 a deep, narrow hole or cut in a surface: The massive wheels were digging great gouges in the road's surface.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 chisel, gash, incise, scratch, groove, dig; scoop or hollow (out):
    The screwdriver slipped and gouged a piece out of the table. She's so mad she wants to gouge out your eyes.
    2 extort, extract, bilk, defraud, wrest, wrench, squeeze, blackmail, Colloq milk, bleed, skin, fleece, cheat, swindle:
    The gang gouged money from their classmates by threatening to tell the teacher.
    3 groove, furrow, scratch, gash, hollow; trench, ditch:
    The retreating glacier cut a deep gouge in the landscape.

    Concise English dictionary

    +an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
    +and edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting channels or grooves
    +the act of gouging
    +force with the thumb
    +obtain by coercion or intimidation
    +make a groove in