
US: /ˈɡɫim/
UK: /ɡlˈiːm/

English Vietnamese dictionary

gleam /gli:m/
  • danh từ
    • tia sáng yếu ớt, ánh lập loè
    • (nghĩa bóng) chút, tia
      • a gleam of hope: một tia hy vọng
  • nội động từ
    • chiếu ra một tia sáng yếu ớt, phát ra một ánh lập loè

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
1 [V] to shine with a pale clear light: The moonlight gleamed on the water. + Her eyes gleamed in the dark.
2 ~ (with sth) to look very clean or bright: [V] The house was gleaming with fresh white paint. + [V-ADJ] Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.
3 [V] ~ (with / in sth) if a person's eyes gleam with a particular emotion, or an emotion gleams in a person's eyes, the person shows that emotion: His eyes gleamed with amusement. + Amusement gleamed in his eyes.
+ noun [usually sing.]
1 a pale clear light, often reflected from sth: the gleam of moonlight on the water + a gleam of light from a lamp + A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon. + I saw the gleam of the knife as it flashed through the air.
2 a small amount of sth: a faint gleam of hope + a serious book with an occasional gleam of humour
3 an expression of a particular feeling or emotion that shows in sb's eyes: a gleam of triumph in her eyes + a mischievous gleam in his eye + The gleam in his eye made her uncomfortable (= as if he was planning sth secret or unpleasant).

Thesaurus dictionary

1 light, glimmer, glint, glow, flicker, shine, shimmer, glitter, twinkle, spark, flare, glare, flash; beam, ray, shaft:
I could just make out the faint gleam of a candle.
2 hint, suggestion, indication, vestige, trace, scintilla, inkling, glimmer, ray, spark, flicker:
There wasn't a gleam of hope of rescue.
3 look, glint:
He got a strange gleam in his eye when he talked about his inventions.
4 glimmer, glint, shimmer, shine, twinkle, glitter, glisten, beam, sparkle:
I could see the beast's eyes, gleaming in the dark. The shore was dotted with gleaming white houses.

Collocation dictionary

1 soft light


dull, faint | distant


~ of
the distant gleam of the sea


a gleam of light
a faint gleam of light from the doorway

2 in sb's eyes


cold, dark, strange | predatory, speculative | mischievous, sardonic, wicked | sudden


He had a speculative gleam in his eyes.


come into/enter/light sb's eye/eyes
A sudden gleam came into her eye as she remembered that tomorrow was her day off.


~ of
A gleam of laughter lit his eyes.


a gleam in sb's eye/eyes


dully, faintly, softly
Theknife's blade gleamed dully in thedark.


The long oak table gleamed with polish.


gleam golden, white, etc.
The pebble beach gleamed white in the moonlight.

Concise English dictionary

+an appearance of reflected light
+a flash of light (especially reflected light)
+be shiny, as if wet
+shine brightly, like a star or a light
+appear briefly