
US: /ˈɡaɪzɝ/
UK: /ɡˈiːzɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

geyser /'gaizə/
  • danh từ
    • (địa lý,ddịa chất) mạch nước phun
    • thùng đun nước nóng (bằng điện, bằng hơi)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 a natural SPRING that sometimes sends hot water or steam up into the air
2 (BrE) a piece of equipment in a kitchen or bathroom that heats water, usually by gas

Concise English dictionary

geysers'gaɪzə(r) /'gɪːz-
+a spring that discharges hot water and steam
+to overflow like a geyser