
US: /ˈfɹənt/
UK: /fɹˈʌnt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

front /frʌnt/
  • danh từ
    • (thơ ca) cái trán
    • cái mặt
      • front: mặt đối mặt
    • đằng trước, phía trước; mặt trước (nhà...); (thông tục) bình phong ((nghĩa bóng))
      • in front of: ở phía trước
    • vạt ngực (hồ cứng, ở sơ mi đàn ông)
    • (quân sự); (chính trị) mặt trận
      • to go the front: ra mặt trận
      • the liberation front: mặt trận giải phóng
      • the popular front: mặt trận bình dân
      • production front: mặt trận sản xuất
    • sự trơ tráo, sự trơ trẽn
      • to have the front to do something: dám trơ trẽn làm một việc gì
      • to show a bold front: dám giơ cái mặt mo ra
    • đường đi chơi dọc bờ biển (ở nơi nghỉ mát)
    • mớ tóc giả
    • (khí tượng) Frông
    • to come to the front
      • nổi bật
  • tính từ
    • đằng trước, về phía trước, ở phía trước
    • (ngôn ngữ học) front vowel nguyên âm lưỡi trước
    • phó từ
      • về phía trước, thẳng
        • eyes front!: (quân sự) nhìn đằng trước, thẳng!
    • ngoại động từ
      • xây mặt trước (bằng đá...)
        • a house fronted with stone: nhà mặt trước xây bằng đá
      • quay mặt về phía; đối diện với
        • your house fronts mine: nhà anh đối diện với nhà tôi
      • đương đầu, chống cự
        • to front danger: đương đầu với nguy hiểm
    • nội động từ ((thường) + to, towards, on, upon)
      • quay mặt về phía; đối diện với
        • the hotel fronts on the sea: khách sạn quay mặt ra biển

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, adjective, verb
    + noun
    forward part / position
    1 [C, usually sing.] (usually the front) the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side of sth that you look at first: The front of the building was covered with ivy. + The book has a picture of Rome on the front. + The front of the car was badly damaged.
    See also - SHOPFRONT, Y-FRONTS
    2 (the front) [sing.] the position that is in the direction that sb/sth is facing: Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead. + There's a garden at the front of the house.
    3 (the front) [sing.] the part of sth that is furthest forward: I prefer to travel in the front of the car (= next to the driver). + The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom. + Write your name in the front of the book (= the first few pages).
    4 (sb's front) [sing.] the part of sb's body that faces forwards; sb's chest: She was lying on her front. + I spilled coffee down my front.
    side of building
    5 [C] the west, north, south, east, etc. ~ the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west, north, etc: the west front of the cathedral
    edge of sea / lake
    6 (the front) [sing.] (BrE) the road or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river: Couples walked hand in hand along the front.
    See also - SEA FRONT
    in war
    7 [C, usually sing.] an area where fighting takes place during a war: More British troops have been sent to the front. + to serve at the front + fighting a war on two fronts + Reports from the battle fronts became briefer and vaguer.
    area of activity
    8 [C] a particular area of activity: Things are looking unsettled on the economic front. + Progress has been made on all fronts.
    hiding true feelings
    9 [sing.] behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions: Rudeness is just a front for her shyness. + It's not always easy putting on a brave front for the family. + The prime minister stressed the need to present a united front (= show people that all members of the group have the same opinion about things).
    hiding sth illegal
    10 [C, usually sing.] ~ (for sth) a person or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or secret activity: The travel company is just a front for drug trafficking.
    political organization
    11 (Front) [sing.] used in the names of some political organizations: the Animal Liberation Front
    See also - POPULAR FRONT
    12 [C] the line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air: a cold / warm front
    Idioms: front and center (AmE) in or into the most important position: The issue has moved front and center in his presidential campaign.
    in front adverb
    1 in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away: Their house is the one with the big garden in front.
    2 in first place in a race or competition: The blue team is currently in front with a lead of six points.
    in front of preposition
    1 in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away: The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake. + The bus stops right in front of our house. + He was standing in front of me in the line. + She spends all day sitting in front of (= working at) her computer. + She is now entitled to put 'Professor' in front of her name.
    2 if you do sth in front of sb, you do it when they are there: Please don't talk about it in front of the children.
    3 ~ sb (of time) still to come; not yet passed: Don't give up. You still have your whole life in front of you.
    out front
    1 in the part of a theatre, restaurant, etc. where the public sits: There's only a small audience out front tonight. + He cooked while she sat out front and waited tables.
    2 (also BrE informal out the front) in the area near to the entrance to a building: I'll wait for you out (the) front.
    up front (informal)
    1 as payment in advance: We'll pay you half up front and the other half when you've finished the job.
    2 (in football) in a forward position: to play up front
    See also - UPFRONT
    more at BACK n., CASH n., LEAD v.
    + adjective [only before noun] on or at the front of sth: the front page of the newspaper + front teeth + the front wheels of the car + We had seats in the front row. + an animal's front legs + Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). + a front-seat passenger
    Compare: BACK, HIND adj.
    Idioms: on the front burner (informal, especially AmE) (of an issue, a plan, etc.) being given a lot of attention because it is considered important: Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.
    Compare: on the back burner at BACK adj.
    + verb
    face sth
    1 ~ (onto sth) to face sth or be in front of sth; to have the front pointing towards sth: [VN] The cathedral fronts the city's main square. + [V] The line of houses fronted straight onto the road.
    cover front
    2 [VN] [usually passive] to have the front covered with sth: a glass-fronted bookcase
    lead group
    3 [VN] to lead or represent an organization, a group, etc: He fronts a multinational company. + A former art student fronted the band (= was the main singer).
    present tv programme
    4 [VN] (BrE) to present a television programme, a show, etc: The former footballer will front a new television sports quiz.
    Phrasal Verbs: front for sb/sth to represent a group or an organization and try to hide its secret or illegal activities: He fronted for them in several illegal property deals.

    in front of / in the front of
    In front of can mean the same as outside but not opposite: I'll meet you in front of/outside your hotel. + There's a bus stop in front of the house (= on the same side of the road). + There's a bus stop opposite the house (= on the other side of the road).
    In/at the front (of sth) means 'in the most forward part of something': The driver sits at the front of the bus. + Put the shortest flowers in the front (of the bunch).

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 face, façade, facing, fore-part, anterior; obverse:
    The front of the door has a painting on it. This dress buttons up the front.
    2 frontage, forefront:
    The front of the property measures only 40 feet.
    3 beginning, head, fore, vanguard, forefront, van:
    At the front of the parade marched the mayor.
    4 bearing, demeanour, mien, air, face, countenance, façade, mask, expression, show, appearance, aspect, look, exterior:
    Despite her grief, she put on a brave front at the wake.
    5 disguise, cover, guise, mask, cover-up, show, pretext, façade:
    The restaurant was merely a front for a narcotics operation.
    6 movement, organization, league, bloc, party, group, faction, wing:
    A new popular front was formed out of a coalition of several opposition groups.
    7 haughtiness, overconfidence, effrontery:
    He frightens away potential clients by showing so much front.
    8 in front. first, leading, ahead, to the fore, in the forefront, in the vanguard or van, in advance, in the lead, before; winning:
    In this picture the man in front is my father. My horse was in front all the way.
    9 upfront.
    (a) See 8, above.
    (b) open, straightforward, honest, direct, forthright, frank, candid:
    Why can't you be upfront instead of conspiring against me?
    10 first, advance, foremost, leading, head; main:
    The front carriage was smashed in the train wreck. Enter by the front door.
    11 overlook, face, look out on or towards, be opposite:
    Our house fronts the river. The flat fronts on the street.
    12 front for. act for, represent; substitute for, replace:
    I hate formal affairs and hoped that you might front for me.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 line/area where fighting takes place in a war


    eastern, western, etc.
    Thousands were killed on the eastern front.


    send sb to
    Even young teenagers were sent to the front.


    at the ~
    A new battalion arrived at the front.
    | on the~
    They had to fight on two fronts.

    2 way of behaving that hides your true feelings


    bold, brave


    put on
    She put on a brave front, but I knew how miserable she was.


    ~ for
    Her aggressive behaviour is just a front for her shyness.


    present a united front
    However much the directors disagree with each other, they always present a united front to the world.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the immediate proximity of someone or something
    +the side that is forward or prominent
    +the side that is seen or that goes first
    +a sphere of activity involving effort
    +the line along which opposing armies face each other
    +a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals
    +(meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
    +a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
    +the outward appearance of a person
    +the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer
    +be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to
    +confront bodily
    +relating to or located in the front