
US: /ˈfɹiz/
UK: /fɹˈiːz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

freeze /fri:z/
  • danh từ
    • sự đông vì lạnh, sự giá lạnh; tình trạng đông vì lạnh
    • tiết đông giá
    • sự ổn định; sự hạn định (giá cả, tiền lương...)
    • nội động từ froze, frozen
      • đóng băng
      • đông lại (vì lạnh), lạnh cứng
      • thấy lạnh, thấy giá
      • thấy ớn lạnh, thấy ghê ghê (vì sợ)
      • ngoại động từ
        • làm đóng băng
        • làm đông, làm lạnh cứng
          • to freeze someone to death: làm ai chết cóng
        • ướp lạnh (thức ăn)
        • làm (ai) ớn lạnh
        • làm lạnh nhạt (tình cảm)
        • làm tê liệt (khả năng...)
        • ngăn cản, cản trở (sự thực hiện)
        • ổn định; hạn định (giá cả, tiền lương...)
        • to freeze on
          • (từ lóng) nắm chặt lấy, giữ chặt lấy
        • to freeze out
          • cho (ai) ra rìa
        • to freeze over
          • phủ đầy băng; bị phủ đầy băng
        • to freeze someone's blood
          • làm ai sợ hết hồn
        • frozen limit
          • (thông tục) mức chịu đựng cao nhất

      Advanced English dictionary

      verb, noun
      + verb (froze )
      become ice
      1 to become hard, and often turn to ice, as a result of extreme cold; to make sth do this: [V] Water freezes at 0?C. + It's so cold that even the river has frozen. + [VN] The cold weather had frozen the ground. + [V-ADJ] The clothes froze solid on the washing-line.
      Antonym: THAW
      of pipe / lock / machine
      2 ~ (sth) (up) if a pipe, lock or machine freezes, or sth freezes it, it becomes blocked with frozen liquid and therefore cannot be used: [V] The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water. + [VN] Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car.
      of weather
      3 [V] when it freezes, the weather is at or below 0? Celsius: It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.
      be very cold
      4 to be very cold; to be so cold that you die: [V] Every time she opens the window we all freeze. + [V, VN] Two men froze to death on the mountain. + Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.
      5 [VN] to keep food at a very low temperature in order to preserve it: Can you freeze this cake? + These meals are ideal for home freezing.
      6 [V] to be able to be kept at a very low temperature: Some fruits freeze better than others.
      stop moving
      7 [V] to stop moving suddenly because of fear, etc: I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. + (figurative) The smile froze on her lips. + The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun.
      film / movie
      8 [VN] to stop a film/movie or video in order to look at a particular picture: Freeze the action there!
      See also - FREEZE-FRAME
      wages / prices
      9 [VN] to hold wages, prices, etc. at a fixed level for a period of time: Salaries have been frozen for the current year.
      money / bank account
      10 [VN] to prevent money, a bank account, etc. from being used by getting a court order which forbids it: The company's assets have been frozen.
      Idioms: freeze your blood
      make your blood freeze to make you extremely frightened or shocked
      more at TRACK n.
      Phrasal Verbs: freeze sb<->out (of sth) (informal) to be deliberately unfriendly to sb, creating difficulties, etc. in order to stop or DISCOURAGE them from doing sth or taking part in sth
      freeze over to become completely covered by ice: The lake freezes over in winter.
      + noun
      of wages / prices
      1 the act of keeping wages, prices, etc. at a particular level for a period of time: a wage / price freeze
      stopping sth
      2 [usually sing.] ~ (on sth) the act of stopping sth: a freeze on imports
      cold weather
      3 [usually sing.] (BrE) an unusually cold period of weather during which temperatures stay below 0? Celsius: Farmers are still talking about the big freeze of '94.
      4 (AmE) a short period of time, especially at night, when the temperature is below 0? Celsius: A freeze warning was posted for Thursday night.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 chill, refrigerate, ice, deep-freeze, flash-freeze, frost:
      If you freeze the leftovers, they keep better.
      2 solidify, congeal, harden, stiffen, ice up or over:
      When the lake freezes, we can go skating.
      3 fix, immobilize, paralyse, stop (dead or dead in one's tracks), stay, pin, transfix, Gorgonize; become fixed, stand (stock-)still or motionless; peg, stick, set:
      She froze him with an icy stare. He froze to the spot in horror. Rates of exchange are no longer frozen.
      4 freeze out. exclude, debar, ban, reject, ostracize; eject, drive away or out, expel, force out:
      When he tried to join the club, he was frozen out.
      5 frost, Brit freeze-up, US ice-up, deep-freeze:
      There will be a freeze tonight in northern counties.
      6 fix, immobilization:
      The government has put a freeze on wages.

      Collocation dictionary

      1 period of weather with a temperature below 0°


      The weather report advised us to prepare for a big freeze.

      2 putting a particular level on sth


      immediate | complete, total
      a total freeze on gas emissions
      | virtual | pay, price, wage


      bring in, impose
      The government has imposed a price freeze on petrol.
      | announce, declare | lift
      It's too expensive to lift the freeze on pay.


      ~ on
      a freeze on bus fares

      1 become ice/extremely cold


      The pond had frozen solid.
      | over, up
      The lake has frozen over. The pipes have frozen up.


      freeze to death
      Hundreds of homeless people could freeze to death this winter.

      2 preserve food


      Many vegetables freeze very well.

      3 stop moving


      suddenly | for a moment/second, momentarily
      His smile froze for a moment.


      seem to
      Suddenly, Ronny seemed to freeze.


      She froze with horror when she saw the body.
      | into
      Maggie's face had frozen into a cold mask.


      freeze to the spot
      He was so surprised he froze to the spot.

      4 wages/prices


      Wages were effectively frozen for six months.


      Prices have been frozen at this level for over a year now.

      Concise English dictionary

      +the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid
      +weather cold enough to cause freezing
      +an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement
      +fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level
      +change to ice
      +stop moving or become immobilized
      +be cold
      +cause to freeze
      +stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it
      +be very cold, below the freezing point
      +change from a liquid to a solid when cold
      +prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
      +anesthetize by cold
      +suddenly behave coldly and formally