
US: /ˈfɹeɪm/
UK: /fɹˈe‍ɪm/

English Vietnamese dictionary

frame /freim/
  • danh từ
    • cấu trúc, cơ cấu; hệ thống, thứ tự
      • the frame of society: cơ cấu xã hội; thứ tự xã hội
      • the frame of government: cơ cấu chính phủ
    • trạng thái
      • frame of mind: tâm trạng
    • khung (ảnh, cửa, xe...), sườn (tàu, nhà...)
    • thân hình, tầm vóc
      • a man of gigantic frame: người tầm vóc to lớn
    • ảnh (trong một loại ảnh truyền hình)
    • lồng kính (che cây cho ấm)
    • (ngành mỏ) khung rửa quặng
    • (raddiô) khung
    • ngoại động từ
      • dàn xếp, bố trí, bố cục, dựng lên
        • to frame a plan: dựng một kế hoạch
      • điều chỉnh, làm cho hợp
      • lắp, chắp
      • hư cấu (một truyện), tưởng tượng, nghĩ ra
      • trình bày (một lý thuyết)
      • phát âm (từng từ một)
      • đặt vào khung; lên khung, dựng khung
        • to frame a roof: lên khung mái nhà
    • nội động từ
      • đầy triển vọng ((thường) to frame well)
      • to frame up
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) mưu hại (ai)
      • bịa, làm giả, gian lận (kết quả một cuộc tuyển cử...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 [C] a strong border or structure of wood, metal, etc. that holds a picture, door, piece of glass, etc. in position: a picture frame + aluminium window frames + I'm going to paint the door frame white.
    2 [C] the supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a building, a vehicle, etc. that gives it its shape: the frame of an aircraft / a car / a bicycle + The bed frame is made of pine.
    See also - CLIMBING FRAME
    of glasses
    3 [C, usually pl.] a structure of plastic or metal that holds the LENSES in a pair of glasses: gold-rimmed frames
    person / animal's body
    4 [C, usually sing.] the form or structure of a person or animal's body: to have a small / slender / large frame + The bed was shorter than his six-foot frame.
    general ideas
    5 [sing.] the general ideas or structure that form the background to sth: In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context.
    See also - TIME FRAME
    of film / movie
    6 [C] one of the single photographs that a film or VIDEO is made of
    of picture story
    7 [C] a single picture in a COMIC STRIP
    in garden
    8 [C] = COLD FRAME
    in snooker / bowling
    9 [C] a single section of play in the game of SNOOKER, etc., or in BOWLING: Davis won the first frame easily.
    Idioms: be in / out of the frame be taking part/not taking part in sth: We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship.
    + verb [VN]
    make border
    1 [usually passive] to put or make a frame or border around sth: The photograph had been framed and hung on the wall. + Her thick blonde hair framed her face. + He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky.
    produce false evidence
    2 [usually passive] ~ sb (for sth) to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty
    Synonym: FIT UP
    He says he was framed.
    develop plan / system
    3 (formal) to create and develop sth such as a plan, a system or a set of rules
    express sth
    4 to express sth in a particular way: You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.
    framed adjective (often in compounds): a framed photograph + a gilt-framed mirror + a timber-framed house (= with a supporting structure of wood)

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 framework, shell, form, skeleton, support, chassis, framing, structure, fabric, scaffolding, construction:
    We made a frame of sticks over which the canvas was stretched.
    2 border, casing, case-mounting, mount, edge, edging; setting:
    This picture would look best in a gold frame.
    3 system, form, pattern, scheme, schema, plan, order, organization, framework, structure, construct, construction, arrangement, blueprint, design, layout, composition, context, make-up, configuration:
    The proposed new department does not fit into the present frame of the company.
    4 physique, build, bone structure, body, skeleton, figure:
    He has an unusually large frame for a dancer.
    5 frame of mind. mood, humour, state, condition, attitude, bent, disposition:
    I am not in the right frame of mind to put up with your nonsense at the moment.
    6 construct, build, put together, assemble, set up, put up, erect, raise, elevate:
    We framed the entire house in two days.
    7 make, fashion, form, mould, carve out, forge, originate, create, devise, compose, formulate, put together, conceive, draw up, draft, shape, block out, give form or shape to; contrive:
    The founding fathers met to frame a new constitution.
    8 enclose, box (in); set off:
    I like the way you've framed that painting.
    9 set up, incriminate (fraudulently), trap, entrap:
    Did Dr Crippen kill his wife or was he framed?

    Collocation dictionary

    1 of a door/picture/window


    door, window | photo, photograph, picture


    in a/the ~
    pictures in gold frames

    3 shape of sb's body


    athletic, big, bony, large, lean, muscular, powerful, skinny, slender, slight, small, tall, wiry


    She has quite a small frame.


    with a … ~
    a man with a lean, athletic frame

    Concise English dictionary

    +a structure supporting or containing something
    +one of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies
    +alternative names for the body of a human being
    +a period of play in baseball during which each team has a turn at bat
    +the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal
    +the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape
    +enclose in or as if in a frame
    +enclose in a frame, as of a picture
    +take or catch as if in a snare or trap
    +formulate in a particular style or language
    +make up plans or basic details for
    +construct by fitting or uniting parts together