
US: /ˈfɹæɡmənt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fragment /'frægmənt/
  • danh từ
    • mảnh, mảnh vỡ
      • to be smashed to fragments: bị đập vụn thành mảnh
      • the fragments of a meal: thức ăn thừa
    • khúc, đoạn, mấu (của cái gì không liên tục hay chưa hoàn thành)
      • fragments of conversation: những đoạn (không mạch lạc) của câu chuyện
    • tác phẩm chưa hoàn thành

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun
a small part of sth that has broken off or comes from sth larger: Police found fragments of glass near the scene. + The shattered vase lay in fragments on the floor. + I overheard a fragment of their conversation. + She could recall only fragments of his poetry.
+ verb [V, VN] (written) to break or make sth break into small pieces or parts
fragmentation noun [U]: the fragmentation of the country into small independent states
fragmented adjective: a fragmented society

Thesaurus dictionary

1 piece, portion, part, chip, shard or sherd, splinter, sliver, scrap, bit, speck, snippet, morsel, crumb, particle, remnant, shred, snatch:
A fragment of the airliner was found twenty miles from the crash.
2 fragments. smithereens; debris, Literary disjecta membra:
The car was blown into thousands of fragments. I tried to pick up the fragments of my former life.
3 shatter, splinter, break or split (up), explode, disintegrate, come or go to pieces, come apart:
I picked up the skull and it fragmented in my fingers.

Concise English dictionary

+a piece broken off or cut off of something else
+a broken piece of a brittle artifact
+an incomplete piece
+break or cause to break into pieces