
US: /ˈfʊtɪŋ/
UK: /fˈʊtɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

footing /'futiɳ/
  • danh từ
    • chỗ để chân; chỗ đứng
    • (nghĩa bóng) địa vị chắc chắn, vị trí chắc chắn, cơ sở chắc chắn
      • to get a footing in society: có vị trí chắc chắn trong xã hội
      • this undertaking must be put on a sound footing: công việc này phải được đặt trên cơ sở chắc chắn
    • cơ sở quan hệ; vị trí trong quan hệ (với người khác)
      • to be on a good footing with somebody: có quan hệ tốt với ai
    • sự được kết nạp (vào một đoàn thể)
      • to pay for one's footing: đóng tiền nguyệt liễm
    • chân tường, chân cột, bệ
    • sự thay bàn chân cho bít tất; sự khâu bàn chân cho bít tất; vải để khâu bàn chân cho bít tất
    • sự cộng (một hàng số); tổng số (dưới hàng số)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun [sing.]
1 the position of your feet when they are safely on the ground or some other surface: She lost her footing (= she slipped or lost her balance) and fell backwards into the water. + I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.
2 the basis on which sth is established or organized: The company is now on a sound financial footing. + The country has been on a war footing (= prepared for war) since March.
3 the position or status of sb/sth in relation to others; the relationship between two or more people or groups: The two groups must meet on an equal footing. + They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 foundation, basis, base, ground(s):
The events put our entire relationship on a new footing.
2 standing, status, level, condition, position, terms, state, rank:
The two departments are on an equal footing as far as funding is concerned.
3 foothold, toe-hold; balance, stability:
She lost her footing on the icy pavement and down she went.

Collocation dictionary

1 secure grip with your feet


firm, sure


He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.
| be sure of
She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.
| struggle for | lose, miss | give (sb), provide (sb with)
The sole of this shoe will give a firm footing even on slippery surfaces.

2 basis on which sth exists/operates


firm, proper, right, secure, solid, sound | wrong | equal, the same
All claimants stand on an equal legal footing.
| different, unequal | normal | permanent
The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.
| commercial, competitive, financial, legal | war
The army was placed on a war footing (= prepared for war).


be on, stand on
The two teams stand on an equal footing.
| be back on | gain
Town planning procedures gained a footing in local government.
| get (sb/sth) off on
Being inconsiderate to the doctor will get you off on the wrong footing.
| get (sth) on, place sth on, set sth on
We need to get the business on a sound footing.
| get (sth) back on, put sth back on


on a … ~
an attempt to put the economy on a more secure footing

Concise English dictionary

+status with respect to the relations between people or groups
+a relation that provides the foundation for something
+a place providing support for the foot in standing or climbing

+a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard
+the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint
+the lower part of anything
+travel by walking
+the pedal extremity of vertebrates other than human beings
+a support resembling a pedal extremity
+lowest support of a structure
+any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates
+an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot
+a member of a surveillance team who works on foot or rides as a passenger
+(prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm
+pay for something
+add a column of numbers