
US: /ˈfɛɫoʊ/
UK: /fˈɛlə‍ʊ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fellow /'felou/
  • danh từ
    • bạn đồng chí
    • người, người ta; ông bạn; thằng cha, gã, anh chàng
      • poor fellow!: anh chàng thật đáng thương!, thằng cha tội nghiệp!
      • my good fellow!: ông bạn quý của tôi ơi!
      • a strong fellow: một người khoẻ mạnh, một gã khoẻ mạnh
      • a fellow of a shoe: một chiếc (trong đôi) giày
    • nghiên cứu sinh
    • uỷ viên giám đốc (trường đại học Anh như Ôc-phớt)
    • hội viên, thành viên (viện nghiên cứu)
      • fellow of the British Academy: viện sĩ Viện hàn lâm Anh
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) anh chàng đang cầu hôn, anh chàng đang theo đuổi một cô gái
    • stone deal hath to fellow
      • người chết là bí mật nhất

Advanced English dictionary

noun, adjective
+ noun
1 (informal, becoming old-fashioned) a way of referring to a man or boy: He's a nice old fellow.
See also - FELLA
2 [usually pl.] a person that you work with or that is like you; a thing that is similar to the one mentioned: She has a very good reputation among her fellows. + Many caged birds live longer than their fellows in the wild.
3 (BrE) a senior member of some colleges or universities: a fellow of New College, Oxford
4 a member of an academic or professional organization: a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
5 (especially AmE) a GRADUATE student who holds a FELLOWSHIP: a graduate fellow + a teaching fellow
+ adjective [only before noun] used to describe sb who is the same as you in some way, or in the same situation: fellow members / citizens / workers + my fellow passengers on the train + I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 man, boy, person, individual, gentleman, one, Colloq guy, chap, customer, kid, Brit bloke, Slang geezer, gink, US old-fashioned gazabo:
There was a fellow here asking for you today.
2 colleague, associate, comrade, companion, ally, peer, compeer:
He is going to meet some of his fellows at the club.
3 mate, match, counterpart, partner, complement, concomitant, accessory:
I lost one glove last week and now have lost its fellow.
4 boyfriend, man, sweetheart, love, young man; lover, paramour, Formal suitor, Old-fashioned beau, Archaic swain, Slang guy:
Bailey has been Sue's fellow for years.
5 associate(d), affiliate(d), allied, auxiliary, related:
Ladies, not accorded membership in the men's club, belonged to a fellow organization. She shared her sandwiches with a fellow passenger.

Collocation dictionary

1 man


old, young | big, little | handsome | charming, fine, good, nice, splendid | lucky, poor
(= unlucky)

2 member of an academic society/college


junior, senior | honorary, research, teaching


elect sb


~ of
He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society.

Concise English dictionary

+a boy or man
+a person who is frequently in the company of another
+a person who is member of your class or profession
+an informal form of address for a man
+a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman