
US: /ˈfɪɹ/
UK: /fˈi‍ə/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fear /fiə/
  • danh từ
    • sự sợ, sự sợ hãi
      • to be in fear: sợ
    • sự kinh sợ
      • the of fear God: sự kính sợ Chúa
    • sự lo ngại; sự e ngại
      • in fear of one's life: lo ngại cho tính mệnh của mình
      • for fear of: lo sợ rằng, e rằng, ngại rằng
    • no fear
      • không lo, không chắc đâu
  • động từ
    • sợ
      • he fears nothing: hắn ta không sợ cái gì cả
      • we fear the worst: chúng tôi sợ những điều xấu nhất sẽ xảy ra
    • lo, lo ngại, e ngại
      • never fear: đừng sợ; đừng ngại
    • kính sợ
      • to fear God: kính sợ Chúa

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun [C, U] ~ (of sb/sth)
~ (for sb/sth)
~ (that ...) the bad feeling that you have when you are in danger, when sth bad might happen, or when a particular thing frightens you: (a) fear of the dark / spiders / flying + Her eyes showed no fear. + The child was shaking with fear. + We lived in constant fear of losing our jobs. + her fears for her son's safety + the fear that he had cancer + The doctor's report confirmed our worst fears. + Alan spoke of his fears for the future.
Idioms: for fear of sth / of doing sth
for fear (that) ... to avoid the danger of sth happening: We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards. + I had to run away for fear (that) he might one day kill me.
in fear of your life feeling frightened that you might be killed
no fear (BrE, spoken) used to say that you definitely do not want to do sth: 'Are you coming climbing?' 'No fear!'
put the fear of God into sb to make sb very frightened, especially in order to make them do sth
without fear or favour (formal) in a fair way: They undertook to make their judgement without fear or favour.
more at STRIKE v.
+ verb
1 to be frightened of sb/sth or frightened of doing sth: [VN] All his employees fear him. + to fear death / persecution / the unknown + Everyone feared the coming war. + Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from us. + [V to inf] (formal) She feared to tell him the truth. [also V -ing]
2 to feel that sth bad might have happened or might happen in the future: [VN] She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst (= think that she is dead). + [VN-ADJ] Hundreds of people are feared dead. + [VN to inf] Women and children are feared to be among the victims.
Help Note: This pattern is only used in the passive. [VN (that)] It is feared (that) he may have been kidnapped. + [V] Never fear / Fear not (= Don't worry), I shall return. [also V (that)]
3 (I fear) [V] (formal) used to tell sb that you think that sth bad has happened or is true: They are unlikely to get here on time, I fear. + 'He must be dead then?' 'I fear so.' + 'She's not coming back?' 'I fear not.'
Phrasal Verbs: fear for sb/sth to be worried about sb/sth: We fear for his safety. + He feared for his mother, left alone on the farm.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, alarm, trepidation, apprehension, fearfulness, apprehensiveness, dismay, consternation, hesitation, qualms, diffidence, timidity, cravenness, cowardice, second thoughts:
His fear of going into the jungle alone is understandable.
2 awe, respect, reverence, veneration:
That'll put the fear of God into him!
3 horror, spectre, nightmare, bogey or bogy, phobia, bugbear, bête noire, misgiving(s), foreboding(s):
When they came to break the news, her worst fears were realized.
4 solicitude, anxiety, angst, foreboding(s), distress, misgiving(s), concern, apprehension, worry, uneasiness, unease:
Fear for her safety is shared by all of us.
5 be afraid or scared or fearful or frightened (of), dread, quail or tremble or quake at, shudder at, shrink from, quiver:
What man cannot understand he often fears.
6 revere, respect, venerate, be or stand in awe of:
If you fear the Lord as I do, you won't take his name in vain.
7 expect, anticipate, imagine, suspect, foresee:
I fear we are too late for dinner.

Collocation dictionary


deep, great, real, terrible
It was the first time she had experienced real fear.
| growing | irrational | unfounded, well-founded
Our fears proved unfounded.


experience, feel, have
She did not know why she should feel such fear.
| be filled with, be gripped by, be paralysed by/with, be trembling with | express, show, voice
The boy showed no fear. Doctors have voiced fears that we may be facing an epidemic.
| cause, fuel, instil
This incident has fuelled fears of a full-scale war. the fear that her mother had instilled in her
| allay, dispel, overcome
The government is keen to allay the public's fears. She managed to overcome her fear.
| live in
The people live in fear of attack by the bandits.


abate, subside
When she heard the news, some of her fear subsided.
| grip sb, haunt sb
A sudden fear gripped him.


for ~ of
Nobody refused for fear of losing their job.
| in ~
He ran away in fear.
| out of ~
He lied out of fear.
| through ~
The pupils obeyed through fear of punishment.
| without ~
She stared at him without fear.
| with ~
His face was white with fear.
| ~ about
his fear about what might happen
| ~ for
my fear for her safety
| ~ of
They have a terrible fear of failure.


fear and trepidation
The men set off in fear and trepidation.
| strike fear into (the heart of) sb
The sound of gunfire struck fear into the hearts of the villagers.

Concise English dictionary

fears|feared|fearingfɪr /fɪə
+an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
+an anxious feeling
+a profound emotion inspired by a deity
+be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event
+be afraid or scared of; be frightened of
+be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement
+be uneasy or apprehensive about
+regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of