
US: /ˈfɑɫ/, /ˈfɔɫ/
UK: /fˈɔːl/

English Vietnamese dictionary

fall /fɔ:l/
  • danh từ
    • sự rơi, sự ngã; sự rụng xuống (lá); sự rũ xuống; sự hạ
    • sự sụp đổ, sự suy sụp (của một đế quốc...); sự sa sút, sự mất địa vị, sự xuống thế, sự xuống dốc (của một người...)
    • sự sụt giá, sự giảm giá
    • (thể dục,thể thao) sự vật ngã; keo vật
      • to try a fall: vật thử một keo
    • sự sa ngã (đàn bà)
    • lượng mưa, lượng tuyết
    • số lượng cây ngả; số lượng gỗ xẻ
    • hướng đi xuống; dốc xuống
    • (số nhiều) thác
      • the Niagara falls: thác Ni-a-ga-ra
    • sự đẻ (của cừu); lứa cừu con
    • dây ròng rọc
    • lưới che mặt, mạng che mặt (của phụ nữ)
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) mùa lá rụng, mùa thu
    • the fall of day
      • lúc chập tối
    • the fall of night
      • lúc màn đêm buông xuống
    • pride will have a fall
      • (tục ngữ) trèo cao ngã đau
    • to ride for a fall
      • (xem) ride
  • nội động từ fallen
    • rơi, rơi xuống, rơi vào ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
      • to fall out of the window: rơi ra ngoài cửa sổ
      • to fall to pieces: rơi vỡ tan tành
      • to fall to somebody's lot: rơi vào số phận ai
      • to fall into the hands of the enemy: rơi vào tay kẻ địch
      • the accent falls on the third syllable: trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba
      • the meeting falls on Friday: cuộc mít tinh rơi vào ngày thứ sáu
    • rủ xuống, xoã xuống (tóc...); rụng xuống (lá); ngã
      • to fall flat to the ground: ngã sóng soài dưới đất
    • hạ thấp, xuống thấp, xịu xuống; dịu đi, nguôi đi
      • curtain falls: mà hạ
      • temperature 's: độ nhiệt xuống thấp
      • prices fall: giá cả hạ xuống
      • face falls: mặt xịu xuống
      • voice falls: giọng nói khẽ đi
      • eyes fall: mắt cụp xuống
      • wind falls: gió dịu đi
      • anger falls: cơn giận nguôi đi
    • đổ nát, sụp đổ
      • houses fall: nhà cửa đổ nát
    • mất địa vị, bị hạ bệ, xuống thế, sa sút, xuống dốc
      • to fall very low: sa sút quá, xuống dốc quá
      • to fall in somebody's esteem: mất lòng quý trọng của ai
    • sa ngã (đàn bà)
    • thất bại, thất thủ
      • plans fall to the ground: kế hoạch thất bại
      • fortress falls: pháo đài thất thủ
    • hy sinh, chết, ngã xuống ((nghĩa bóng))
      • many fell: nhiều người bị hy sinh (trong chiến trận)
    • buột nói ra, thốt ra
      • the news fell from his lips: hắn buộc miệng nói ra tin đó
    • sinh ra, đẻ ra (cừu con...)
    • (+ into) được chia thành thuộc về
      • the books falls three parts: cuốn sách được chia làm ba phần
      • to fall into the category: thuộc vào loại
    • bị (rơi vào tình trạng nào đó...)
      • to fall into error: bị lầm lẫn
      • to fall ill: bị ốm
      • to fall on evil days: bị sa cơ thất thế
    • dốc xuống
      • the land falls in gentle slopes to the sea: đất dốc thoai thoải xuống biển
    • đổ ra
      • the river falls to the sea: sông đổ ra biển
    • bắt đầu
      • to fall to work at once: bắt tay vào việc ngay lập tức
      • to fall into conversation: bắt đầu nói chuyện
    • xông vào
      • to fall on the enemy: xông vào kẻ địch
  • ngoại động từ
    • (tiếng địa phương); (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chặt, hạ (cây)
    • to fall across
      • tình cờ gặp (ai)
    • to fall among
      • tình cờ rơi vào đám (người nào...)
    • to fall away
      • bỏ, rời bỏ, bỏ rơi (ai...); ly khai (đạo, đảng)
    • héo mòn đi, gầy mòn đi
    • biến đi
    • to fall back
      • ngã ngửa
    • rút lui
    • to fall back on (upon)
      • phải cầu đến, phải dùng đến (cái gì)
    • to fall behind
      • thụt lùi, bị tụt lại đằng sau
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) không trả được đúng hạn, còn thiếu lại, còn nợ lại
    • to fall down
      • rơi xuống, ngã xuống, sụp xuống, sụp đổ
    • thtục to fall down on: thất bại (không thành công) trong (việc gì...)
    • to fall for
      • (từ lóng) mê tít, phục lăn
    • mỹ bị bịp, bị chơi xỏ
    • to fall in
      • (quân sự) đứng vào hàng
    • (thông tục) vào trong lùi vào trong (ngôi nhà)
    • đến lúc phải thanh toán (nợ); hết hạn (hợp đồng thuê nhà)
    • sập, lún, sụp đổ (mái nhà...)
    • to fall in with
      • tình cờ gặp (ai)
    • theo, tán đồng (quan điểm của ai...); đồng ý với (ai); (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chiều ý, theo ý (ai)
    • trùng hợp với
    • to fall off
      • rơi xuống
    • rút, giảm sút; thoái hoá, tàn tạ, suy đồi
    • (hàng hải) không ăn theo tay lái
    • nổi dậy, bỏ hàng ngũ
    • to fall on
      • nhập trận, tấn công
    • bắt đầu ăn uống
    • to fall out
      • rơi ra ngoài; xoã ra (tóc)
    • cãi nhau, bất hoà
      • to fall out with somebody: cãi nhau với ai, bất hoà với ai
    • hoá ra là, thành ra là, dẫn đến kết quả là
    • it fell out that
      • hoá ra là, thành ra là
    • to fall out well: dẫn đến kết quả tốt
    • (quân sự) bỏ hàng, ra ngoài hàng
      • to fall out of: bỏ (một thói quen...)
    • to fall over
      • ngã lộn nhào, bị đổ
    • to fall over an obstacle: va vào một chướng ngại và ngã lộn nhào
    • to fall through
      • hỏng, thất bại; không đi đến kết quả nào
    • to fall to
      • bắt đầu
    • bắt đầu tấn công; bắt đầu ăn
      • now, let's fall to!: (thông tục) noà bây giờ chúng ta hãy tấn công (bắt đầu ăn) đi nào!
    • to fall under
      • được liệt vào, được xếp loại vào
    • ở dưới (sự quan sát...); chịu (ảnh hưởng của ai...)
    • to fall upon
      • tấn công
    • to fall within
      • nằm trong, gồm trong
    • to fall due
      • đến kỳ phải trả, đến hạn
    • to fall flat
      • (xem) flat
    • to fall foul of
      • (xem) foul
    • to tall in love with
      • (xem) love
    • to fall into a habit
      • (xem) habit
    • to fall into line
      • đứng vào hàng
    • to fall into line with
      • đồng ý với
    • to fall into a rage
      • giận điên lên, nổi cơn tam bành
    • to fall on one's sword
      • tự tử, tự sát
    • to fall over backwards
      • đi đến chỗ cực đoan
    • hết sức sốt sắng đồng ý
    • to fall over each other
      • đánh lộn, ẩu đả; cạnh tranh xâu xé nhau kịch liệt
    • to fall a prey to
      • to fall a sacrifice to
        • làm mồi cho
      • to fall short
        • thiếu, không đủ
      • không tới đích (đạn, tên lửa...)
      • to fall short of
        • thất bại, không đạt (mục đích...)
      • your work falls short of my expectations: công việc làm của anh không được như ý tôi mong đợi
      • to fall on (upon) one's feet
        • thoát khỏi khó khăn, lại đứng vững chân
      • to fall a victim to
        • là nạn nhân của

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
(fell )
drop down
1 [V] [usually +adv./prep.] to drop down from a higher level to a lower level: Several of the books had fallen onto the floor. + One of the kids fell into the river. + The handle had fallen off the drawer. + September had come and the leaves were starting to fall. + He fell 20 metres onto the rocks below. + The rain was falling steadily. + They were injured by falling rocks.
stop standing
2 [V] [usually +adv./prep.] to suddenly stop standing: She slipped on the ice and fell. + I fell over and cut my knee. + The house looked as if it was about to fall down.
See also - FALLEN
of hair / material
3 [V +adv./prep.] to hang down: Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls.
slope downwards
4 [V] ~ (away / off) to slope downwards: Beyond the hill, the land falls away sharply towards the river.
5 to decrease in amount, number or strength: [V] Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent. + Prices continued to fall on the stock market today. + The temperature fell sharply in the night. + falling birth rates + (written) Her voice fell to a whisper. + [VN] Share prices fell 30p.
be defeated
6 [V] to be defeated or captured: The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards. + Troy finally fell to the Greeks.
die in battle
7 [V] (literary) to die in battle; to be shot: a memorial to those who fell in the two world wars
8 to pass into a particular state; to begin to be sth: [V-ADJ] He had fallen asleep on the sofa. + The book fell open at a page of illustrations. + (written) The room had fallen silent. + She fell ill soon after and did not recover. + [V] I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train. + The house had fallen into disrepair. + [V-N] She knew she must not fall prey to his charm.
happen / occur
9 [V] ~ (on sb/sth) (literary) to come quickly and suddenly
Synonym: DESCEND
A sudden silence fell. + Darkness falls quickly in the tropics. + An expectant hush fell on the guests.
10 [V +adv./prep.] to happen or take place: My birthday falls on a Monday this year.
11 [V +adv./prep.] to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position: My eye fell on (= I suddenly saw) a curious object. + Which syllable does the stress fall on? + A shadow fell across her face.
belong to group
12 [V +adv./prep.] to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibility: Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into this category. + This case falls outside my jurisdiction. + This falls under the heading of scientific research.
Idioms: Idioms containing fall are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example fall by the wayside is at wayside.
Phrasal Verbs: fall about (BrE, informal) to laugh a lot: [+ -ing] We all fell about laughing.
fall apart
1 to be in very bad condition so that parts are breaking off: My car is falling apart.
2 to have so many problems that it is no longer possible to exist or function: Their marriage finally fell apart. + The deal fell apart when we failed to agree on a price.
fall away to become gradually fewer or smaller; to disappear: His supporters fell away as his popularity declined. + The market for their products fell away to almost nothing. + All our doubts fell away. + The houses fell away as we left the city.
fall back
1 to move or turn back
Synonym: RETREAT
The enemy fell back as our troops advanced.
2 to decrease in value or amount: Share prices fell back after brisk early trading.
fall back on sb/sth [no passive] to go to sb for support; to have sth to use when you are in difficulty: I have a little money in the bank to fall back on. + She fell back on her usual excuse of having no time.
related noun FALLBACK
fall behind
fall behind sb/sth to fail to keep level with sb/sth: She soon fell behind the leaders.
fall behind with sth to not pay or do sth at the right time: They had fallen behind with their mortgage repayments. + He's fallen behind with his school work again.
fall down to be shown to be not true or not good enough: And that's where the theory falls down.
See also - FALL v. (2)
fall for sb [no passive] (informal) to be strongly attracted to sb; to fall in love with sb: They fell for each other instantly.
fall for sth [no passive] (informal) to be tricked into believing sth that is not true: I'm surprised you fell for that trick.
fall in if soldiers fall in, they form lines: The sergeant ordered his men to fall in.
fall in with sb/sth [no passive] (BrE) to agree to sth: She fell in with my idea at once.
fall into sth to be able to be divided into sth: My talk falls naturally into three parts.
fall off to decrease in quantity or quality: Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably.
fall on / upon sb/sth [no passive] (especially BrE)
1 to attack or take hold of sb/sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm: They fell on him with sticks. + The children fell on the food and ate it greedily.
2 to be the responsibility of sb: The full cost of the wedding fell on us.
fall out
1 to become loose and drop: His hair is falling out. + My tooth fell out.
2 if soldiers fall out, they leave their lines and move away
fall out (with sb) (BrE) to quarrel with sb so that you are no longer friendly with them
fall over sb/sth [no passive] to hit your foot against sth when you are walking and fall, or almost fall: I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.
See also - FALL v. (2)
fall over yourself to do sth (informal) to try very hard or want very much to do sth: He was falling over himself to be nice to me.
fall through to not be completed, or not happen: Our plans fell through because of lack of money.
fall to sth (literary) to begin to do sth: [+ -ing] She fell to brooding about what had happened to her.
fall to sb to become the duty or responsibility of sb: With his partner away, all the work now fell to him. + [+ to inf] It fell to me to inform her of her son's death.
+ noun
act of falling
1 [C] an act of falling: I had a bad fall and broke my arm. + She was killed in a fall from a horse.
of snow / rocks
2 [C] ~ (of sth) an amount of snow, rocks, etc. that falls or has fallen: a heavy fall of snow + a rock fall
way sth falls / happens
3 [sing.] ~ of sth the way in which sth falls or happens: the fall of the cards / dice + the dark fall of her hair (= the way her hair hangs down)
of water
4 (falls) [pl.] (especially in names) a large amount of water falling down from a height
The falls upstream are full of salmon. + Niagara Falls
5 [C] (AmE) = AUTUMN: in the fall of 1990 + last fall
6 [C] ~ (in sth) a decrease in size, number, rate or level: a steep fall in prices / profits + a big fall in unemployment
7 [sing.] ~ (of sth) a loss of political, economic, etc. power or success; the loss or defeat of a city, country, etc. in war: the fall of the Roman Empire + the rise and fall of British industry + the fall of Berlin
loss of respect
8 [sing.] a situation in which a person, an organization, etc. loses the respect of other people because they have done sth wrong: the TV preacher's spectacular fall from grace
in bible
9 (the Fall) [sing.] the occasion when Adam and Eve did not obey God and had to leave the Garden of Eden
Idioms see PRIDE n., RIDE v.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 descend, sink, subside, settle, drop or come (down), plummet, plunge, dive, (take a) nosedive; cascade:
The bucket fell to the bottom of the well. A meteorite fell on my house. The water falls 100 metres over the cliff at this point.
2 tumble, trip, stumble, slump, collapse, keel over, topple, crumple:
Mother fell in the kitchen and hurt her knee.
3 diminish, (become) lower, sink, decline, fall or drop off, drop, decrease, dwindle, subside, come or go down:
The price of oil fell today to a new low.
4 slope, fall away, decline:
Beyond the spinney, the meadow falls towards the river.
5 succumb, surrender, yield, give up or in, capitulate, be defeated or conquered, be captured, be taken (captive or prisoner), be overthrown, come or go to ruin, be destroyed, be lost:
The castle fell after a year's siege.
6 die, perish, drop dead, be slain or killed:
His grandfather fell at the Battle of the Marne.
7 fall apart. disintegrate, crumble, collapse, fall or come or go to pieces, break up, be destroyed; break apart, fragment, shatter:
I knew she would fall apart on the witness stand. The gadget fell apart as soon as we used it.
8 fall back. retreat, retire, withdraw, draw back; recede:
As the enemy advanced, we fell back.
9 fall back on or upon. have recourse to, rely or depend on or upon, return to, count on or upon, resort to, call on or upon, make use of, use, employ:
All the ready ammunition was gone and we had to fall back on our reserves.
10 fall behind. drop back, trail, lag; be in arrears:
If you fall behind, I'll wait for you. We fell behind in our mortgage payments.
11 fall down.
(a) collapse, drop:
She hit me so hard that I fell down.
(b) fail, be (found) wanting or lacking, be unsuccessful, be or prove inadequate or disappointing:
He had to be replaced because he fell down on the job.
12 fall flat. collapse, fail, Colloq flop, US bomb (out), lay an egg, go over like a lead balloon:
A hit in London might fall flat in New York.
13 fall for.
(a) fall in love with, be infatuated with:
Some people will fall for anyone who tells them the right time.
(b) be fooled or duped or taken in or deceived by, accept, swallow, succumb to, Slang be a sucker for, US and Canadian be a patsy for:
Did Beaseley really fall for that old confidence trick?
14 fall in. cave in, collapse, sink inwards:
The walls were about to fall in on us.
15 fall in with. join, associate with, become associated or allied with, befriend; cooperate with, go along with, concur with, support, accept:
He fell in with a gang of thieves and spent the next few years avoiding the police. She agreed to fall in with my plan.
16 fall off. diminish, decrease, decline, deteriorate:
Business falls off immediately after Christmas.
17 fall on or upon. attack, assault, assail, set upon:
Three muggers fell on me and stole my wallet.
18 fall out. disagree, differ, quarrel, clash, squabble, wrangle, dispute, fight:
We fell out over politics.
19 fall short. prove or (turn out to) be inadequate or insufficient or deficient or lacking or wanting or disappointing, miss, fail, disappoint:
The results of the sales campaign fell short of expectations.
20 fall through. fail, come to nothing or naught, miscarry, die, Colloq fizzle (out), flop:
The deal to buy the company fell through.
21 fall to. start, begin, commence, set or go about, get under way, undertake, tackle, take on; get moving, attack, Colloq get the show on the road, get cracking, US get a wiggle on, move it:
The washing-up had to be done so I fell to.
22 drop, descent, dive, nosedive, plunge, tumble, dropping, falling:
How could he have survived a fall from such a height?
23 Chiefly US and Canadian autumn:
They turn the clocks back one hour in the fall.
24 decline, decay, collapse, downfall, failure, destruction, ruin, failure, deterioration, eclipse:
Have you read Poe's classic Fall of the House of Usher ?
25 Usually, falls. cascade, cataract, waterfall; rapids:
How many falls are there along the Limpopo River?
26 depreciation, sinking, diminution, decrease, decline, lapse, downturn, down-swing, drop, drop-off, lowering, abatement, slump, collapse:
On the Stock Exchange today, investors experienced sharp falls in share prices.
27 slope, declivity, descent, decline, drop, downhill, Chiefly US and Canadian downgrade:
Note the smooth rise and fall of the land.
28 surrender, capitulation, submission, taking, seizure, capture, overthrow, defeat, conquest, downfall:
The fall of Khartoum in 1898 marked the re-establishment of British rule in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

Collocation dictionary

1 accident


bad, nasty, terrible
She took a bad fall while out riding.
| accidental


have, suffer, take
The doctor says she's had a very nasty fall.
| break, cushion
Luckily a bush broke his fall.
| survive
The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.


in a/the ~
He was hurt in a fall at his home yesterday.
| ~ from
She broke her neck in a fall from a horse.

2 of snow/rocks


heavy | light | fresh
a fresh fall of snow
| rock, snow


~ of
covered by a light fall of volcanic ash

3 decrease


big, dramatic, great, large, marked, massive, significant, substantial
a big fall in house prices This triggered the recent dramatic falls on the Tokyo stock exchange.
| modest, slight, small | steady | rapid, sharp, steep, sudden, swift | expected, projected
a projected fall of 2%
| unexpected | continuing, further | overall | catastrophic


bring, cause, contribute to, lead to, trigger | see, suffer
Share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.
| record, reveal, show
The opinion polls show a significant fall in her popularity.
| report
Both companies reported a fall in profits in the first quarter of this year.
| represent
This figure represents a fall of 21% on the same period last year.


The fall in age at first marriage occurred during the second half of the 18th century.


~ in
a large fall in share prices

4 defeat


bring about, cause, contribute to, lead to
the actions that led to his eventual fall from power


~ from


the rise and fall of sth
a book charting the rise and fall of the Habsburg Empire

Concise English dictionary

+the season when the leaves fall from the trees
+a sudden drop from an upright position
+the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve
+a downward slope or bend
+a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity
+a sudden decline in strength or number or importance
+a movement downward
+the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions)
+the time of day immediately following sunset
+when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
+a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
+a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
+descend in free fall under the influence of gravity
+move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
+pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
+come under, be classified or included
+fall from clouds
+suffer defeat, failure, or ruin
+decrease in size, extent, or range
+die, as in battle or in a hunt
+touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly
+be captured
+occur at a specified time or place
+yield to temptation or sin
+lose office or power
+to be given by assignment or distribution
+move in a specified direction
+be due
+lose one's chastity
+to be given by right or inheritance
+come into the possession of
+fall to somebody by assignment or lot
+be inherited by
+slope downward
+lose an upright position suddenly
+drop oneself to a lower or less erect position
+fall or flow in a certain way
+assume a disappointed or sad expression
+be cast down
+come out; issue
+be born, used chiefly of lambs
+begin vigorously
+go as if by falling
+come as if by falling