
US: /ˈikwəɫi/
UK: /ˈiːkwə‍li/

English Vietnamese dictionary

equally /'i:kwəli /
  • phó từ
    • bằng nhau, ngang nhau, như nhau; đều

Advanced English dictionary

+ adverb
1 to the same degree; in the same or in a similar way: Diet and exercise are equally important. + This job could be done equally well by a computer. + We try to treat every member of staff equally. + The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children. + The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment. + She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all.
2 in equal parts, amounts, etc: The money was divided equally among her four children. + They share the housework equally.
3 used to introduce another phrase or idea that adds to and is as important as what you have just said: I'm trying to do what is best, but equally I've got to consider the cost.

Concise English dictionary

+to the same degree (often followed by `as')
+in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way