
US: /ˈɛndɫəs/
UK: /ˈɛndləs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

endless /'endlis/
  • tính từ
    • vô tận, vĩnh viễn, không bao giờ hết
    • không ngừng, liên tục

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 very large in size or amount and seeming to have no end: endless patience + endless opportunities for making money + The possibilities are endless. + an endless list of things to do + We don't have an endless supply of money, you know.
2 continuing for a long time and seeming to have no end: an endless round of parties and visits + The journey seemed endless. + I've had enough of their endless arguing.
3 (technical) (of a loop, etc.) having the ends joined together so it forms one piece: an endless loop of tape
endlessly adverb: She talks endlessly about her problems. + an endlessly repeated pattern

Thesaurus dictionary

1 limitless, unlimited, boundless, unbounded, infinite, immeasurable, eternal, unending:
They found themselves in the endless reaches of outer space.
2 ceaseless, uninterrupted, incessant, unceasing, unending, constant, perpetual, interminable, unremitting, non-stop, continuous, continual, everlasting:
I wish you two would stop your endless bickering.

Collocation dictionary


be, seem
The long walk back seemed endless.


almost, virtually | apparently, seemingly
a seemingly endless list of repairs to be carried out

Concise English dictionary

+tiresomely long; seemingly without end
+infinitely great in number
+having no known beginning and presumably no end
+having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole
+occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted