
US: /dɪˈvɪʒən/
UK: /dɪvˈɪʒən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

division /di'viʤn/
  • danh từ
    • sự chia; sự phân chia
      • division of labour: sự phân chia lao động
    • (toán học) phép chia
    • sự chia rẽ, sự ly gián; sự bất hoà, sự phân tranh
      • to cause a division between...: gây chia rẽ giữa...
    • lôgic sự phân loại, sự sắp loại, sự phân nghĩa
    • sự chia làm hai phe để biểu quyết (ở quốc hội, nghị viện...)
      • to come to a division: đi đến chỗ chia làm hai phe để biểu quyết
      • to carry a division: chiếm đa số biểu quyết
      • without a division: nhất trí (không cần đưa ra biểu quyết)
      • to challenge a division: đòi đưa ra biểu quyết
    • phân khu, khu vực (hành chính)
    • đường phân chia, ranh giới; vách ngăn
    • phần đoạn; (sinh vật học) nhóm
    • (quân sự) sư đoàn
      • parachute division: sư đoàn nhảy dù
    • (pháp lý) chế độ nhà tù (do quan toà quy định)
      • 1st (2nd, 3rd) division: chế độ nhẹ (trung bình, nặng) (ở nhà tù)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
into separate parts
1 [U, sing.] ~ (of sth between A and B)
(of sth) (into sth) the process or result of dividing into separate parts; the process or result of dividing sth or sharing it out: cell division + the division of labour between the sexes + a fair division of time and resources + the division of the population into age groups + a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences
2 [U] the process of dividing one number by another: the division sign ()
disagreement / difference
3 [C, U] ~ (in / within sth)
~ (between A and B) a disagreement or difference in opinion, way of life, etc., especially between members of a society or an organization: There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union. + the work of healing the divisions within society + divisions between rich and poor + social / class divisions
part of organization
4 [C+sing./pl. v.] (abbreviation Div.) a large and important unit or section of an organization: the company's sales division
in sport
5 [C+sing./pl. v.] (abbreviation Div.) (in Britain) one of the group of teams that a sport competition is divided into, especially in football: the first division / division one + a first-division team
part of army
6 [C+sing./pl. v.] (abbreviation Div.) a unit of an army, consisting of several BRIGADES or REGIMENTS: the Guards Armoured Division
7 [C] a line that divides sth: A hedge forms the division between their land and ours.
in parliament
8 [C] (technical) the separation of members of the British parliament into groups to vote for or against sth: The Bill was read without a division.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 dividing, split, splitting (up), breaking up, partition, partitioning, partitionment, separation, separating, diremption, segmentation, segmenting, compartmentation, sectioning, apportioning, apportionment, allotment:
In England a division between Church and State is not recognized.
2 section, compartment, segment; partition, separation:
Egg crates have 144 divisions.
3 branch, department, sector, section, unit, group, arm; part, set, category, class, classification:
The textile division of the company lost money last year.
4 boundary (line), border, borderline, frontier, margin, line, dividing line:
Where is the division between good and evil?
5 discord, disagreement, upset, conflict, strife, disunity, disunion:
The issue of equal rights has led to much division within the movement.

Collocation dictionary

1 dividing sth into separate parts


clear, distinct, simple
Sometimes there is no simple division between good and evil.
| complex, elaborate | rigid | broad, rough | equal, fair | unequal, unfair
an unequal division of the cake an unfair division of labour
| conventional, time-honoured
the conventional division of language into grammar and vocabulary
| theoretical | hierarchical
hierarchical division between ‘workers’ and ‘management’
| threefold, three-way, tripartite | cell


You can make a rough division of his music into ‘light’ and ‘serious’.


~ among
His will detailed his assets and gave instructions for their division among his children.
| ~ between
the division of the money between the members
| ~ into
In selling there is a broad division into direct and indirect methods.


the division of labour, the division of wealth

2 differences between two groups/things, etc.


bitter, deep, great, sharp
There are sharp divisions within the party over the privatization of the railways.
| fundamental | factional, internal
factional divisions within the party
| traditional | north-south | class, cultural, ethnic, gender, ideological, linguistic, political, sexual, social, societal


create, provoke | exploit | heal
The prime minister's speech will attempt to heal divisions within his party.


~ among
There are reports of serious divisions among senior party members.
| ~ between, ~ within
division within the government

3 section of an organization


regional | industrial, manufacturing, marketing, retail, sales, training, wholesale | administrative
the administrative divisions of the Roman Empire
| airborne, armoured, infantry, etc. | first, high, low, premier, second, senior, top, etc.
(sport) He's now playing football in the higher divisions.
| heavyweight, lightweight, middleweight, etc.
(= in boxing, etc.)


in the … ~
They compete in the senior division of the chess league.

4 dividing one number by another




Can you do long division?


~ by
division by three

Concise English dictionary

+an army unit large enough to sustain combat
+one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
+the act or process of dividing
+an administrative unit in government or business
+an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
+discord that splits a group
+a league ranked by quality
+(biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
+(botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
+a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings
+a group of ships of similar type
+the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart