
US: /dɪˈvaɪdɪd/
UK: /dɪvˈa‍ɪdɪd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

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    • phân chia

Thesaurus dictionary

1 separate, split (up), break up, cleave, cut up or asunder, partition, segregate, subdivide; disconnect, disjoin, detach, sever, sunder, part:
Argyle divided his mountaineers into three regiments. A divided nation cannot stand. Some would like to see Britain divided from continental Europe.
2 Sometimes, divide up. distribute, share (out), measure out, parcel out, partition, dole (out), deal (out), mete out, allocate, allot, apportion, dispense, give (out):
The remaining food was divided among us.
3 separate, split, cause to disagree, alienate, disunite, set at odds, sow dissension (among), pit or set against one another, disaffect:
Racial issues still divide the people.
4 branch (out), ramify, split, separate:
The road divides there and passes on each side of that huge rock.
5 categorize, classify, sort, assort, grade, group, (put in) order, rank, organize, arrange:
You have to divide the books into several piles according to size.

Concise English dictionary

+a serious disagreement between two groups of people (typically producing tension or hostility)
+a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems
+separate into parts or portions
+perform a division
+act as a barrier between; stand between
+come apart
+make a division or separation
+force, take, or pull apart