
US: /ˌdɪstɹəbˈjuʃən/
UK: /dˌɪstɹɪbjˈuːʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

distribution /,distri'bju:ʃn/
  • danh từ
    • sự phân bổ, sự phân phối, sự phân phát
    • sự rắc, sự rải
    • sự sắp xếp, sự xếp loại, sự phân loại
    • (ngành in) bỏ chữ (xếp vào từng ô)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U, C] the way that sth is shared or exists over a particular area or among a particular group of people: the unfair distribution of wealth + The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. + They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.
2 [U] the act of giving or delivering sth to a number of people: the distribution of food and medicines to the flood victims + He was arrested on drug distribution charges. + Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved.
3 [U] (business) the system of transporting and delivering goods: distribution costs + worldwide distribution systems + marketing, sales and distribution
distributional adjective

Thesaurus dictionary

1 apportionment, allotment, allocation, assignment, parcelling or US also parceling out, sharing; deployment:
She supervised the distribution of the prizes.
2 issuance, circulation, dissemination, giving (out), dispersal, dispensation; deployment:
The distribution of food parcels is being handled by charities.
3 arrangement, disposition, grouping, classification, order, ordering, division, cataloguing, codification; deployment:
What is the distribution of scientists among the population?

Collocation dictionary

1 way sth is shared or exists over an area


egalitarian, equitable, fair
to ensure a fair distribution of wealth
| inequitable, unfair | equal
an equal distribution of wealth between people of different age groups
| unequal | even, uniform
After applying the cream, comb through to ensure even distribution.
| uneven
The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources.
| optimal, optimum | relative
the relative distribution of continents and oceans
| general, overall
the general distribution of earthquakes around the world
| broad, wide, widespread
the broad distribution of Bronze Age artefacts across Europe the wider distribution of wealth throughout society
| local, localized
Fish populations assume highly localized distributions within each river.
| global, regional,
worldwide | spatial | income, wealth | weight | age, class,
geographical, population, sex, social
the social class distribution of the male population
| normal, random, skewed, smooth
(all mathematics) a normal distribution with a bell-shaped frequency curve
| binomial, frequency, probability
(all mathematics)


achieve, ensure
The engine is mounted in the middle to achieve a more even weight distribution.
| determine
Radiology was used to determine the distribution of the disease.
| have, show
(mathematics) These birds have a wide geographical distribution. IQs within the population show a normal distribution.


Animal herds may form in response to the distribution patterns of food.
| map
an atlas containing distribution maps of the most important tropical diseases


~ across
the distribution of resources across society
| ~ among
data on wealth distribution among age groups
| ~ between
a disparity in age distribution between groups
| ~ over
the distribution of trees over the estate
| ~ throughout
uniform distribution of the chemical throughout the timber


a change in distribution
changes in the distribution of wealth and income

2 giving/delivering sth to people


The document contains sensitive information and is not suitable for free (= unrestricted)distribution. The previously free (= not paid for)distribution of textbooks will now be confined to students who are needy.
| general
Our catalogue lists all our books that are available for general distribution.
| selective | exclusive
The publisher has signed an agreement for the exclusive distribution of the books in the US.
| proper | electronic
the electronic distribution of software to customers
| global, international, local, national, worldwide
Roads are used for local distribution of goods.
| electricity, food, fuel, gas, land, milk, water
the creation of 1,500 smallholdings as part of a land distribution programme
| retail, wholesale
the wholesale and retail distribution of a huge variety of goods


control, handle, organize
The company is to handle the distribution of the product in Europe.
| available for
2,000 copies of the booklet have been printed and are available for distribution.
| ensure
to ensure the proper distribution of medical aid
| allow (for)
to allow for the distribution of aid


agreement, arrangement, deal
Her company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement.
| list
I attach a copy of the distribution list so you can see who got the last edition.
| rights | costs | channel
We have man
| network | method | system | facilities
The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities.
| base, centre, depot, outlet, point
The company has decided to use Belfast as its distribution base. | operationThe company has manufacturing or distribution operations in 33 countries worldwide.
| business, company | industry


for ~
free colour leaflets for distribution overseas
| ~ among
food for distribution among the villagers
| ~ between
the distribution of the health budget between various hospitals
| ~ by
the distribution by the government of a leaflet explaining the new tax
| ~ through
distribution through department stores
| ~ to
The food was parcelled up for distribution to outlying communities.


a/the chain of distribution
There are savings to be made where retailers are bypassed in the chain of distribution.
| a channel of distribution

3 payment


capital, dividend, share | cash


When are distributions likely to be made to creditors?
| be available for
These are company reserves available for distribution as the directors may determine.


~ to
The promissory notes were purchased for distribution to investors.

Concise English dictionary

+(statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
+the spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume
+the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
+the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer