
US: /ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃən/
UK: /dˌɪspəzˈɪʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

disposition /,dispə'ziʃn/
  • danh từ
    • sự sắp xếp, sự sắp đặt, cách sắp xếp, cách bố trí
    • ((thường) số nhiều) (quân sự) kế hoạch; sự chuẩn bị, cách bố trí lực lượng (tấn công hoặc phòng ngự)
    • sự dùng, sự tuỳ ý sử dụng
      • to have something at one's disposition: có cái gì được tuỳ ý sử dụng
    • khuynh hướng, thiên hướng; ý định
      • to have a disposition to something: có khuynh hướng (thiên hướng) về cái gì
    • tính tình, tâm tính, tính khí
      • to be of a cheerful disposition: có tính khí vui vẻ
    • sự bán; sự chuyển nhượng, sự nhượng lại
      • disposition of property: sự chuyển nhượng tài sản
    • sự sắp đặt (của trời); mệnh trời

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [C, usually sing.] the natural qualities of a person's character: to have a cheerful disposition + people of a nervous disposition
2 [C, usually sing.] ~ to / towards sth
~ to do sth (formal) a tendency to behave in a particular way: to have / show a disposition towards acts of violence
3 [C, usually sing.] (formal) the way sth is placed or arranged
4 [C, U] (law) a formal act of giving property or money to sb

Thesaurus dictionary

1 character, temper, attitude, temperament, nature, personality, bent, frame of mind, humour, make-up, spirit:
Alan's son David has a cheerful disposition.
2 arrangement, organization, placement, disposal, ordering, grouping, set, placing:
I don't care much for the disposition of the furniture.
3 transfer, transference, dispensation, disposal, assignment, settlement, determination, bestowal, parcelling out, distribution:
The disposition of father's assets is not your affair.
4 determination, choice, disposal, power, command, control, management, discretion, decision, regulation:
Distribution of favours is at the disposition of the crown.

Collocation dictionary


cheerful, happy, pleasant, sunny | friendly, sociable | placid | nervous | jealous | aggressive, touchy | criminal


have, show
These dogs show a very sociable disposition.


of a … ~
This film is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition.

Concise English dictionary

+your usual mood
+the act or means of getting rid of something
+an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others
+a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing