
US: /dɪˈspɛɹəti/
UK: /dɪspˈæɹɪti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

disparity /dis'pæriti/
  • danh từ
    • sự chênh lệch, sự không bằng nhau, sự không bình đẳng; sự khác biệt, sự cách biệt
      • a disparity in years: sự chênh lệch về tuổi tác
    • sự không tương ứng

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
[U, C] (plural disparities) (formal) a difference, especially one connected with unfair treatment: the wide disparity between rich and poor + growing regional disparities in economic prosperity

Thesaurus dictionary

difference, discrepancy, gap, inequality, unevenness, imbalance, dissimilarity, contrast, imparity, inconsistency, incongruity:
Our interests differ owing to the disparity in our ages.

Collocation dictionary


considerable, enormous, great, gross, wide | growing | clear, glaring, obvious


~ between
The great disparity between the teams did not make for an entertaining game.
| ~ in
the disparity in their salaries
| ~ of
a disparity of resources

Concise English dictionary

+inequality or difference in some respect