
US: /dɪsˈɡəst/
UK: /dɪsɡˈʌst/

English Vietnamese dictionary

disgust /dis'gʌst/
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm ghê tởm, làm kinh tởm; làm chán ghét, làm ghét cay ghét đắng
    • làm phẫn nộ, làm căm phẫn

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun [U] ~ (at / with sth)
~ (for sb) a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for sb/sth that you feel is unacceptable, or for sth that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant: She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter to complain. + The idea fills me with disgust. + I can only feel disgust for these criminals. + He walked away in disgust. + Much to my disgust, they refused to help. + She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell of urine.
+ verb [VN] if sth disgusts you, it makes you feel shocked and almost ill because it is so unpleasant: The level of violence in the film really disgusted me.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 sicken, offend, nauseate, repel, revolt, put off, outrage, appal, Slang gross out:
His patronizing attitude disgusts those who work for him.
2 revulsion, nausea, sickness, repugnance, fulsomeness, outrage, distaste, aversion:
One look at the food filled me with disgust.
3 loathing, contempt, hatred, abhorrence, odium, animus, animosity, enmity, antagonism, antipathy, dislike:
Some feel disgust at the thought of eating insects.

Collocation dictionary


great | utter | obvious
Mr Haynes shook his head in obvious disgust and walked off.
| public


feel | express, show | hide
trying to hide the disgust that she felt
| fill sb with
Decent people were filled with disgust for whoever committed the crimes.
| turn/walk away in
He threw her one look, then turned away in disgust.
| shake your head in, wrinkle (up) your nose in


in ~
Marion threw down the book in disgust.
| with ~
They both looked with disgust at the men.
| ~ at
I couldn't find the words to express my disgust at his actions.
| ~ over
expressions of public disgust over the affair
| ~ with
People are showing their disgust with the existing regime.


an exclamation/a snort of disgust
He gave a snort of disgust.
| an expression/a gesture/a grimace/a look of disgust, a feeling/sense of disgust, much to your disgust
Much to his disgust, he found himself sharing a carriage with a noisy young family.

Concise English dictionary

+strong feelings of dislike
+fill with distaste
+cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of