
US: /ˈdɪfəkəɫti/, /ˈdɪfɪˌkəɫti/
UK: /dˈɪfɪkˌʌlti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

difficulty /'difikəlti/
  • danh từ
    • sự khó khăn, nỗi khó khăn, nỗi gay go; điều cản trở, điều trở ngại
      • to overcome a difficulty: vượt qua khó khăn; vượt qua trở ngại
    • (số nhiều) sự túng bấn; cảnh khó khăn
      • to be in difficulties: túng bấn
    • (số nhiều) sự làm khó dễ; sự phản đối
      • to make difficulties: làm khó dễ; phản đối

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural difficulties)
1 [C, usually pl., U] a problem; a thing or situation that causes problems: the difficulties of English syntax + children with severe learning difficulties + We've run into difficulties / difficulty with the new project. + He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued. + The bank is in difficulty / difficulties. + It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration.
2 [U] the state or quality of being hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involves: I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. + I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood. + The changes were made with surprisingly little difficulty. + He spoke slowly and with great difficulty. + We found the house without difficulty. + They discussed the difficulty of studying abroad.
Help Note: You cannot say 'have difficulty to do sth': I had difficulty to persuade her to leave.
3 [U] how hard sth is: varying levels of difficulty + questions of increasing difficulty

Thesaurus dictionary

1 strain, hardship, arduousness, laboriousness, formidableness, tribulation, painfulness:
Despite much difficulty she succeeded.
2 hardship, obstacle, problem, distress, pitfall, dilemma, predicament, problem, snag, hindrance; Gordian knot:
He has encountered difficulties during his career.
3 Often, difficulties. embarrassment, plight, predicament, mess, strait(s), trouble, scrape, Colloq hot water, jam, pickle, fix; hot potato:
She always seems to be in financial difficulties.

Collocation dictionary


considerable, enormous, grave, great, major, real, serious, severe
We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.
| insurmountable | increasing
questions of increasing difficulty
| inherent
the difficulties inherent in treating overdose patients
| particular, special
English spelling presents special difficulties for foreign learners.
| economic, financial | practical, technical
I think we've managed to overcome most of the practical difficulties.
| behavioural, emotional, learning
children with learning difficulties


The games have various different levels of difficulty.


encounter, experience, face, get into, have, run into
Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities. Anyone experiencing difficulty with radio reception should call us on the new helpline. Let me know if you have any difficulties. I had little difficulty in persuading the others to come. The scheme has run into serious difficulties.
| cause, create, make, present
Will it cause any difficulties if I go early? She is always making difficulties for herself.
| cope with, deal with, overcome, resolve, solve, surmount | avoid
how to avoid technical difficulties
| be fraught with
The situation was fraught with difficulty.


arise, crop up
Difficulties arise when people fail to consult their colleagues.
| lie (in sth)
The difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem.


despite a/the ~
Despite all the difficulties, he still remains optimistic.
| in ~
We could see that the swimmer was in difficulties.
| with/without ~
We crossed the border without any difficulty. Life in the city was not without its difficulties.
| ~ in
She had difficulty in starting her car.
| ~ of
the difficulty of finding affordable accommodation
| ~ with
having difficulty with the engine

Concise English dictionary

difficulties'dɪfɪkʌltɪ /kltɪ
+an effort that is inconvenient
+a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
+a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
+the quality of being difficult