
US: /ˈdaɪ/
UK: /dˈa‍ɪ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

die /dai/
  • danh từ, số nhiều dice
    • con súc sắc
    • the die in cast
      • số phận (mệnh) đã định rồi
    • [to be] upon the die
      • lâm nguy, lâm vào cảnh hiểm nghèo; lâm vào thế một mất một còn
    • as straight (true) as a die
      • thằng ruột ngựa
  • danh từ, số nhiều dies
    • (kiến trúc) chân cột
    • khuôn rập (tiền, huy chương...)
    • (kỹ thuật) khuôn kéo sợi
    • (kỹ thuật) bàn ren (đinh ốc...)
    • động từ
      • chết, mất, từ trần; băng hà (vua); tịch; hy sinh
        • to die of illeness: chết vì ốm
        • to die in battle (action): chết trận
        • to die by the sword: chết vì gươm đao
        • to die by one's own hand: tự mình làm mình chết
        • to die from wound: chết vì vết thương
        • to die at the stake: chết thiêu
        • to die for a cause: hy sinh cho một sự nghiệp
        • to die in poverty: chết trong cảnh nghèo nàn
        • to die a glorious death: chết một cách vinh quang
        • to die through neglect: chết vì không ai chăm sóc (không ai nhìn ngó tới)
        • to die rich: chết giàu
        • to die the death of a hero: cái chết của một người anh hùng
      • mất đi, tắt đi, tàn lụi, không còn nữa; bị quên đi
        • the secret will die with him: điều bí mật mất đi theo với hắn, hắn mất đi mang theo cả điều bí mật
        • great deeds can't die: những việc làm vĩ đại không bao giờ có thể mất đi được
        • to be dying for (to): thèm chết đi được, muốn chết đi được, khao khát
        • to be dying for something: muốn cái gì chết đi được
        • to be dying to something: muốn làm cái gì chết đi được
      • se lại đau đớn, chết lặng đi (lòng, trái tim)
        • my heart died within me: lòng tôi se lại đau đớn
      • to die away
          • t to die down
          • chết dần, chết mòn, tàn tạ; tàn lụi (lửa...); tắt dần, bặt dần (tiếng động...); nguôi đi (cơn giận...); mất dần; tan biến đi
          • to die off
            • chết đột ngột; tắt phụt đi (ngọn đèn...); mất biến
          • chết lần lượt, chết dần chết mòn hết (một dân tộc...)
          • to die out
            • chết hết, chết sạch; tắt ngấm (ngọn lửa...); mất biến, mất hẳn (phong tục tập quán...)
          • chết dần, chết mòn; tắt dần, lụi dần
          • trưởng thành lỗi thời (kiểu quần áo...)
          • to die game
            • (xem) game
          • to die hard
            • (xem) hard
          • to die in harness
            • (xem) harness
          • to die in one's shoes (boots)
            • chết bất đắc kỳ tử; chết treo
          • to die in the last ditch
            • (xem) ditch
          • to die of laughing
            • cười lả đi
          • I die daily
            • (kinh thánh), hằng ngày tôi đau buồn muốn chết đi được
          • never say die
            • (xem) never

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb (dies, dying, died, died)
    1 ~ (of / from sth)
    ~ (for sth) to stop living: [V] to die of / from cancer + Her husband died suddenly last week. + He died for his beliefs. + That plant's died. + I'll never forget it to my dying day (= until I die). + (spoken) I nearly died when I saw him there (= it was very embarrassing). + [VN] to die a violent / painful / natural death + [V-ADJ] She died young. + At least they died happy. + [V-N] He died a poor man.
    2 [V] to stop existing; to disappear: The old customs are dying. + His secret died with him (= he never told anyone). + The words died on my lips (= I stopped speaking).
    3 [V] (of a machine) to stop working: The engine spluttered and died. + My car just died on me.
    Idioms: be dying for sth / to do sth (informal) to want sth or want to do sth very much: I'm dying for a glass of water. + I'm dying to know what happened.
    die a / the death (BrE, informal) to fail completely: The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.
    die in your bed to die of old age or illness
    die laughing to find sth extremely funny: I nearly died laughing when she said that.
    old habits, traditions, etc. die hard used to say that things change very slowly
    to die for (informal) if you think sth is to die for, you really want it, and would do anything to get it: She was wearing a dress to die for.
    more at CROSS v., FLY n., SAY v.
    Phrasal Verbs: die away to become gradually weaker or fainter and finally disappear: The sound of their laughter died away.
    die back if a plant dies back, it loses its leaves but remains alive
    die down to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc: The flames finally died down. + When the applause had died down, she began her speech.
    die off to die one after the other until there are none left: The reindeer herds are slowly dying off.
    die out to stop existing: This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
    + noun
    1 a block of metal with a special shape or with a pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping other pieces of metal such as coins, or for making patterns on paper or leather
    2 (especially AmE) = DICE
    Idioms: the die is cast (saying) used to say that an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 lose one's life, lay down one's life, perish, expire, decease, suffer death, Euphemistic depart, give up the ghost, be no more, (go to) meet one's Maker, breathe one's last, go to the happy hunting-grounds, go to one's reward, go to one's final or last resting-place, go west, pay the debt of nature, pay one's debt to nature, pass through the pearly gates, pass away or on, join the majority, go the way of all flesh; Slang pop off, bite the dust, kick the bucket, croak, Brit snuff it, go for a burton, pop one's clogs, US turn up one's toes, cash in one's chips or checks:
    He died of tuberculosis, a rare affliction these days.
    2 Often, die down or out or away. dwindle, lessen, diminish, decrease, ebb, decline, wane, subside, wither (away), wilt, melt (away), dissolve, peter out, fail, weaken, deteriorate, disintegrate, degenerate, fade (away), droop, moulder, sink, vanish, disappear:
    We lost the race because the breeze died down. After the third try, her enthusiasm died. The sound of the flute died away among its echoes.
    3 expire, end, stop, cease:
    Your secret will die with me.
    4 Usually, die off or out. become extinct, perish:
    By about 200 million years ago, all the dinosaurs had died out.
    5 long, pine, yearn, crave, hanker, want, desire, hunger, ache:
    He said he was dying to meet a real movie star.

    Collocation dictionary


    in childbirth | in infancy, prematurely, young
    One of their children died in infancy.
    | peacefully | suddenly | tragically
    Her father died tragically in a car crash.

    VERB + DIE

    be going to
    I thought I was going to die.
    | be allowed to
    She should be allowed to die peacefully.


    to die for your country
    | from
    The accident victim died from her injuries.
    | of
    He died of a heart attack.


    die a natural sudden, violent, etc. death

    Concise English dictionary

    +small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the faces; used to generate random numbers
    +a device used for shaping metal
    +a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods
    +pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
    +suffer or face the pain of death
    +be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame
    +stop operating or functioning
    +feel indifferent towards
    +languish as with love or desire
    +cut or shape with a die
    +to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
    +lose sparkle or bouquet
    +disappear or come to an end
    +suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense)