
US: /ˈdiviəs/
UK: /dˈiːvɪəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

devious /'di:vjəs/
  • tính từ
    • xa xôi, hẻo lánh
    • quanh co, vòng vèo, khúc khuỷu
      • a devious path: con đường quanh co
    • không ngay thẳng, không thành thật, loanh quanh; thủ đoạn, láu cá, ranh ma
      • to do something in a devious way: làm việc gì không ngay thẳng
    • lầm đường lạc lối

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 behaving in a dishonest or indirect way, or deceiving people, in order to get sth
Synonym: CUNNING
a devious politician + He got rich by devious means.
2 ~ route / path a route or path that is not straight but has many changes in direction; not direct: a devious route from the airport
deviously adverb
deviousness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

1 deceitful, underhand(ed), insincere, deceptive, misleading, subreptitious, sneaky, furtive, surreptitious, secretive, double-dealing, treacherous, dishonest, shifty, smooth, slick, slippery, scheming, plotting, designing, foxy, vulpine, wily, sly, crafty, tricky Colloq crooked:
The plot to poison the queen was the product of a devious mind.
2 indirect, roundabout, zigzag, evasive, circuitous, crooked, rambling, serpentine, tortuous, sinuous, anfractuous:
That is about the most devious bit of reasoning I have ever heard!

Concise English dictionary

+indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading
+characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive
+deviating from a straight course