
US: /dɪˈpɹɛs/
UK: /dɪpɹˈɛs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

depress /di'pres/
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm chán nản, làm ngã lòng; làm buồn, làm sầu não, làm phiền muộn
      • failure didn't depress him: thất bại không làm anh ta ngã lòng
    • làm giảm (giá), làm giảm sút; làm chậm trễ, làm đình trệ
      • to depress trade: làm đình trệ việc buôn bán
    • làm yếu đi, làm suy nhược
      • to depress the action of the heart: làm yếu hoạt động của tim
    • ấn xuống, nén xuống, kéo xuống, đẩy xuống, hạ xuống
      • to depress one's voice: hạ giọng

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
1 to make sb sad and without enthusiasm or hope: [VN] Wet weather always depresses me. + [VN to inf] It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.
2 [VN] to make trade, business, etc. less active: The recession has depressed the housing market.
3 [VN] to lower the value of prices or wages: to depress wages / prices
4 [VN] (formal) to press or push sth down, especially part of a machine: to depress the clutch pedal (= when driving).

Thesaurus dictionary

1 deject, dispirit, oppress, sadden, grieve, cast down, dishearten, discourage, dampen, cast a gloom or pall over, burden, weigh down:
He's very depressed right now because he failed to get a promotion.
2 weaken, dull, debilitate, enervate, sap; depreciate, cheapen, devalue, devaluate; diminish, lower, bring down, reduce:
The news about a new oil field depressed the market today.
3 press (down), push (down) (on), lower:
If the pressure gets too high, just depress this lever.

Concise English dictionary

+lower someone's spirits; make downhearted
+lower (prices or markets)
+cause to drop or sink
+press down
+lessen the activity or force of