
US: /dɪˈmɔɹəˌɫaɪzd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

demoralize /di'mɔrəlaiz/ (demoralise) /di'mɔrəlaiz/
  • ngoại động từ
    • phá hoại đạo đức, làm đồi phong bại tục, làm sa ngã đồi bại
    • làm mất tinh thần, làm thoái chí, làm nản lòng

Thesaurus dictionary

1 dispirit, daunt, dishearten, discourage, defeat; weaken, cripple, enervate, devitalize, depress, subdue, crush:
The party's crushing defeat in the election thoroughly demoralized its supporters.
2 corrupt, pervert, deprave, vitiate, debase, debauch:
The committee consider him a demoralizing influence and insist he should resign.
3 bewilder, discomfit, unnerve, shake (up), confuse, fluster, disconcert, unnerve, perturb, disturb, upset, Colloq rattle:
The demonstrators were completely demoralized when arrested for loitering.