
US: /dɪˈɫɪvɝi/
UK: /dɪlˈɪvəɹi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

delivery /di'livəri/
  • danh từ
    • sự phân phát (thư); sự phân phối, sự giao hàng
      • the early (first) delivery: lần phát thư thứ nhất trong ngày
      • to pay on delivery: tả tiền khi giao hàng
    • cách nói; sự đọc, sự bày tỏ, sự phát biểu (ý kiến)
      • his speech was interesting but his delivery was poor: bài nói của ông ta rất hay nhưng cách nói lại dở
      • the delivery of the lecture took three hours: đọc bài thuyết minh mất ba tiếng
    • sự sinh đẻ
    • sự ném, sự phóng, sự bắn (quả bóng, tên đạn...); sự mở (cuộc tấn công); sự ban ra, sự truyền ra (lệnh)
    • sự nhượng bộ, sự đầu hàng, sự chuyển nhượng
    • công suất (máy nước...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural deliveries)
1 [U, C] the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to: a delivery van + Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them). + Allow 28 days for delivery. + Is there a postal / mail delivery on Saturdays? + (formal) When can you take delivery of (= be available to receive) the car? + (figurative) the delivery of public services
2 [C, U] the process of giving birth to a baby: an easy / difficult delivery + a delivery room / ward (= in a hospital, etc.)
3 [sing.] the way in which sb speaks, sings a song, etc. in public: The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.
4 [C] a ball that is thrown, especially in cricket or baseball: a fast delivery
Idioms see CASH n.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 distribution, delivering, deliverance, conveyance, transportation, transport:
The strikers have caused delivery of newspapers to stop.
2 liberation, release, deliverance, emancipation:
His delivery from poverty was still a few years away.
3 childbirth, parturition; confinement:
Many women find that their second child is an easier delivery.
4 presentation, performance; utterance, enunciation, articulation, pronunciation, expression, execution:
He is an accomplished orator, with a spellbinding delivery.

Collocation dictionary

1 act of delivering sth


express, fast, immediate, prompt, quick | late | morning, next-day | recorded, scheduled, special
Ensure all photographic material is properly packed and sent by recorded delivery.
| guaranteed
guaranteed express delivery to over 170 countries
| safe | mail, milk, newspaper
All mail deliveries were suspended during the strike.
| service
The cuts will inevitably impact on service delivery.


do, make
We do all our deliveries in the mornings.
| accept, take
The government has now taken delivery of the new fighter planes.


van | date, schedule, time | boy, man
He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.
| charge | service


for ~
completed orders for delivery
| on ~
Please pay the driver on delivery.
| ~ to
The company offers free delivery to your home.

2 goods delivered


large, small


get, receive
The shop receives only one delivery of books per week.

3 giving birth to a baby


difficult, easy | preterm | breech | vaginal | Caesarean | forceps, ventouse |
The figures show an increase in forceps deliveries.


She had a very easy delivery with her second child.



Concise English dictionary

+the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)
+the event of giving birth
+your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally
+the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another
+(baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
+recovery or preservation from loss or danger
+the act of delivering a child