
US: /ˈdɪɹ/
UK: /dˈi‍ə/

English Vietnamese dictionary

dear /diə/
  • tính từ
    • thân, thân yêu, thân mến, yêu quý
      • a dear friend: người bạn thân
      • he is very dear to us: anh ấy rất thân với chúng tôi
    • kính thưa, thưa; thân mến (viết trong thư)
      • dear Mr Ba: kính thưa ông Ba
      • dear Sir: thưa ngài
    • đáng yêu, đáng mến
      • what a dear child!: thằng bé đáng yêu quá!
    • thiết tha, chân tình
      • dear wishes: đất, đất đỏ
      • a dear year: một năm đắt đỏ
      • a dear shop: cửa hàng hay bán đắt
    • to hold someone dear
      • yêu mến ai, yêu quý ai
    • to run for dear life
      • (xem) life
  • danh từ
    • người thân mến, người yêu quý
      • my dear: em yêu quí của anh; anh yêu quý của em; con yêu quý của ba...
    • (thông tục) người đáng yêu, người đáng quý; vật đáng yêu, vật đáng quý
      • what dears they are!: chúng nó mới đáng yêu làm sao!
  • phó từ+ (dearly)/'diəli/
    • đắt
      • to pay dear for something: phải trả cái gì một giá đắt
    • thân mến, yêu mến, thương mến
    • thán từ
      • trời ơi!, than ôi! ((cũng) dear me)
        • oh dear, my head aches!: trời ơi, sao mà tôi nhức đầu thế này!

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, exclamation, noun, adverb
    + adjective (dearer, dearest)
    1 ~ (to sb) loved by or important to sb: He's one of my dearest friends. + Her daughter is very dear to her. + They lost everything that was dear to them.
    2 (Dear) used at the beginning of a letter before the name or title of the person that you are writing to: Dear Sir or Madam + Dear Mrs Jones
    3 [not usually before noun] (BrE) expensive; costing a lot of money: Everything's so dear now, isn't it?
    4 (dear old / little ...) (BrE) used to describe sb in a way that shows affection: Dear old Sue! I knew she'd help. + Their baby's a dear little thing.
    Idioms: hold sb/sth dear (formal) to care very much for sb/sth; to value sb/sth highly: He had destroyed everything we held dear.
    more at HEART, LIFE, NEAR adj.
    exclamation used in expressions that show that you are surprised, upset, annoyed or worried: Oh dear! I think I've lost my purse! + Oh dear! What a shame. + Dear me! What a mess! + Dear oh dear! What are you going to do now?
    + noun
    1 (BrE, spoken) a kind person: Isn't he a dear? + Be a dear and fetch me my coat.
    2 used when speaking to sb you love: Would you like a drink, dear? + Come here, my dear.
    3 used when speaking to sb in a friendly way, for example by an older person to a young person or a child: What's your name, dear?
    Compare: DUCK
    + adverb (BrE) at a high price: to buy cheap and sell dear
    Idioms see COST v.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 beloved, loved, adored, darling, precious, cherished, prized, valued, treasured, favoured, favourite, pet, esteemed, admired, venerated, honoured:
    He was my nearest and dearest friend.
    2 expensive, costly, high-priced, highly priced, Colloq pricey:
    Tomatoes are much too dear at this time of the year.
    3 darling, sweetheart, beloved, love, true-love, sweet, honey, precious, pet, favourite, treasure, precious, Colloq sweetie, sweetie-pie, Slang baby:
    My dear, I hope we'll be together always.
    4 dearly; at great cost or expense, at a high or excessive price:
    That little error will cost you dear, my friend.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
    +a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
    +dearly loved
    +with or in a close or intimate relationship
    +having a high price
    +with affection
    +at a great cost