
US: /ˈkɹaʊtʃ/
UK: /kɹˈa‍ʊt‍ʃ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

crouch /kautʃ/
  • danh từ
    • sự né, sự núp, sự cúi mình (để tránh đòn)
    • sự luồn cúi
    • nội động từ
      • thu mình lấy đà (để nhảy)
      • né, núp, cúi mình (để tránh đòn)
      • luồn cúi

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb [V] [usually +adv./prep.] to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you: He crouched down beside her. + Doyle crouched behind a hedge.
    crouched adjective: She sat crouched in a corner.
    Phrasal Verbs: crouch over sb/sth to bend over sb/sth so that you are very close to them or it: He crouched over the papers on his desk.
    + noun [sing.] a crouching position: She dropped to a crouch.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    bend (down), squat (down), hunker down, stoop (down):
    If you crouch down, no one will see you in the bushes.

    Collocation dictionary


    The hare crouches low on the ground.
    | down
    We crouched down to avoid being seen.


    crouching behind the sofa
    | over
    They crouched over the dead animal.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the act of bending low with the limbs close to the body
    +bend one's back forward from the waist on down
    +sit on one's heels