
US: /kənˈfjuʒən/
UK: /kənfjˈuːʒən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

confusion /kən'fju:ʤn/
  • danh từ
    • sự lộn xôn, sự hỗn độn, sự rối loạn, sự hỗn loạn
      • everything was in confusion: tất cả đều lộn xộn hỗn loạn
      • to throw the enemy into confusion: làm cho quân địch rối loạn
    • sự mơ hồ, sự mập mờ, sự rối rắm (ý nghĩa)
    • sự lẫn lộn, sự nhầm lẫn
      • confusion of something with another: sự nhầm lẫn cái gì với cái khác
    • sự bối rối, sự ngượng ngập, sự xấu hổ
      • to make confusion more confounded: đã bối rối lại làm cho bối rối hơn, đã ngượng lại làm cho xấu hổ thêm
    • nhuộng confusion!) chết tiệt!, chết toi!
    • confusion worse confounded
      • tình trạng đã hỗn loạn lại càng hỗn loạn hơn
    • to drink confusion to somebody
      • vừa uống rượu vừa chửi đổng ai

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U, C] ~ (about / over sth)
~ (as to sth) a state of uncertainty about what is happening, what you should do, what sth means, etc: There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be. + a confusion as to what to do next
2 [U, C] ~ (between A and B) the fact of making a mistake about who sb is or what sth is: To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes. + confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a'
3 [U] a feeling of embarrassment when you do not understand sth and are not sure what to do in a situation: He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question. + Sacha felt confusion sweeping over her as she read the letter.
4 [U] a situation of disorder in which people do not know what action to take: Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion. + Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 disorder, mix-up, mess, jumble, muddle, disarray, disarrangement, chaos, shambles:
The files are in complete confusion.
2 tumult, commotion, disorder, turmoil, pandemonium, bedlam, chaos:
Untold confusion resulted from sounding the alarm.
3 mix-up, confounding; ambiguity, ambiguousness, misunderstanding, contradiction, inconsistency:
There is often some confusion between the name of a thing and the thing itself.
4 mixing, combining, mixing up, intermingling:
The removal firm is responsible for the confusion of your books with mine.
5 assortment, mixture, pot-pourri, gallimaufry, hotchpotch or US and Canadian also hodgepodge:
A confusion of products lines the shelves.
6 embarrassment, discomfiture, mortification, abashment, shamefacedness, chagrin:
He felt terrible confusion when confronted with the evidence.

Collocation dictionary


complete, total, utter | considerable, great | slight | general, widespread | administrative | mental


cause, create, lead to, result in | add to
This latest decision has only added to the general confusion.
| clear up | plunge sb/sth into, throw sb/sth into
The local council has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.


arise, reign
Confusion reigned when the two managers gave conflicting instructions.
| surround sth
The government needs to clear up the confusion surrounding its policy on water.


in (the) ~
She stared at them both in utter confusion. In the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.
| ~ about/over
There is widespread confusion about the government's transport policy.
| ~ among
The announcement caused a lot of confusion among the students.
| ~ as to
confusion as to the whereabouts of the man
| ~ between
confusion between letters of the alphabet
| ~ with
the confusion of this book with her last one


a scene/state of confusion, to avoid confusion
To avoid confusion, label each box clearly.

Concise English dictionary

+disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
+a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior
+a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
+an act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended
+a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another