
US: /kəˈɫɛkʃən/
UK: /kəlˈɛkʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

collection /kə'lekʃn/
  • danh từ
    • sự tập họp, sự tụ họp
    • sự thu, sự lượm, sự góp nhặt, sự sưu tầm; tập sưu tầm
      • collection of taxes: sự thu thuế
      • a collection of stamps: tập tem sưu tầm
    • sự quyên góp
      • to make a collection; to take up a collection: mở cuộc quyên góp
    • (số nhiều) kỳ thi học kỳ (ở Ôc-phớt và các trường đại học khác)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
group of objects / people
1 [C] a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected: a stamp / coin collection + The painting comes from his private collection.
2 [C] a group of objects or people: There was a collection of books and shoes on the floor. + There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon.
taking away / bringing together
3 [C, U] an act of taking sth away from a place; an act of bringing things together into one place: refuse / garbage collection + The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. + Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday. + The first stage in research is data collection.
Compare: PICKUP
poems / stories / music
4 [C] a group of poems, stories or pieces of music published together as one book or disc: a collection of stories by women writers + a collection of favourite Christmas music
5 [C] an act of collecting money to help a charity or during a church service; the money collected: a house-to-house collection for Cancer Research + The total collection last week amounted to £250.
new clothes
6 [C] a range of new clothes or items for the home that are designed, made and offered for sale, often for a particular season: Armani's stunning new autumn collection

Thesaurus dictionary

1 collecting, gathering, solicitation, garnering, gleaning, accumulation, amassment, aggregation, Colloq Brit whip-round:
The collection of donations in this neighbourhood is going well.
2 accumulation, hoard, store, assemblage, omnium gatherum; anthology, chrestomathy:
Would you like to come up to see my collection of etchings? They have published some very interesting collections.

Collocation dictionary

1 group of objects


big, extensive, huge, large, major, substantial, vast | small | growing | complete, comprehensive | core, permanent
The permanent collection is displayed on the first floor, whilst the ground floor houses temporary exhibitions.
| reserve
The museum has a large reserve collection in storage, which members of the public rarely get to see.
| amazing, extraordinary, fascinating, fine, good, great, important, impressive, interesting, magnificent, outstanding, remarkable, rich, stunning, superb, unique, useful, valuable | bizarre, disparate, diverse, heterogeneous, jumbled, miscellaneous, motley, odd, random, strange, varied | representative
to assemble and analyse a representative collection of data
| celebrated, distinguished, famous, prestigious, renowned | family, personal, private
the largest private art collection in the world
| public | international, local, national | historical | reference, research
a research collection available for study by archaeologists
| archive, library, museum
a historical archive collection of 20,000 documents
| antiques, art, book, CD, coin, manuscript, photographic, picture, plant, record, stamp


boast, have
The museum boasts a superb collection of medieval weapons.
| acquire, amass, assemble, build up, compile, make
He built up his collection over a period of ten years. She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.
| start | add to
a new painting to add to their collection
| complete
She needed only one more stamp to complete her collection.
| hold, house
a new building to house the national collection of arms and armour
| display, exhibit, show
A glass-fronted cabinet displayed a collection of china figurines.
| view, visit, see
I was allowed to view his family collection of portrait miniatures.
| consult, study
Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
| organize
She had the task of cataloguing the library and organizing the collection of rare manuscripts.


consist of sth, contain sth, include sth
The collection contains some 500 items.
| cover sth
The collection covers all phases of Picasso's career.
| come from … | date from …
major collections dating from the 11th to the 19th century
| grow
The museum's collection is growing all the time.
| be available, be/go on display/show/view
The collection is to go on public display for the first time next month. The collection is rarely on view to the public.


~ of
a valuable collection of antique porcelain

More information about ART WORKS


of art a piece/work of art
Michelangelo's Pietà is a magnificent work of art.

collect ~
She collects Jacobean portraits.

display, exhibit, show ~
The works will be displayed in the new wing of the museum.

~ be (put) on display/exhibition/show ~ go on display/exhibition/show
paintings put on show for the first time The photographs are on exhibition until the end of September.

house ~
An annexe was built to house the sculptures.

a series of ~
a series of paintings by Van Gogh

a collection/exhibition of ~
an exhibition of early 20th century French masterpieces

an art/photographic/photography exhibition
The open art exhibition will allow new artists to exhibit their work.

by ~
a sculpture by Barbara Hepworth

2 taking sth away/bringing sth together


routine, systematic
the systematic collection of data
| efficient | free
The council offers free collection of waste.
| weekly | data | debt, rent, revenue, tax
the need for more efficient tax collection
| refuse, rubbish, waste


await, be ready for
Your car is awaiting collection at our garage.
| arrange, organize
They will arrange collection of the chairs.


a lack of collection points for waste paper
| service
a refuse collection service


~ of
There are somedifficulties with the collection ofreliable data.


a method of collection
different methods of data collection

3 poems/stories/music


compile, edit, publish
to publish a collection of scholarly essays


~ of

4 money


house-to-house, street | charity, church


have, make, organize, take
We will have a collection for charity at the end of the concert. A collection will be taken at the end of the service.


box, plate
the church collection plate


~ for
a street collection for famine relief

5 new clothes


new | autumn, spring, etc. | ready-to-wear


show, unveil
the first designer to unveil his collection for the spring season

Concise English dictionary

+several things grouped together or considered as a whole
+a publication containing a variety of works
+request for a sum of money
+the act of gathering something together