
US: /ˈkæʒəɫti/, /ˈkæʒəwəɫti/, /ˈkæʒwəɫti/
UK: /kˈæʒuːə‍lti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

casualty /'kæʤjuəlti/
  • danh từ
    • tai hoạ, tai biến; tai nạn
    • (số nhiều) (quân sự) số thương vong, số người chết, số người bị thương, số người mất tích
      • the enemy suffered heavy casualties: quân địch bị thương vong nặng nề
    • người chết, người bị thương, nạn nhân (chiến tranh, tai nạn...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural casualties)
1 [C] a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident: road casualties + Both sides had suffered heavy casualties (= many people had been killed).
2 [C] a person that suffers or a thing that is destroyed when sth else takes place: She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work (= she lost her job). + Small shops have been a casualty of the recession.
3 [U] (also casualty department, accident and emergency) (all BrE) (AmE emergency room) the part of a hospital where people who need urgent treatment are taken: The victims were rushed to casualty in an ambulance. + We waited in casualty until a doctor could see us.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 disaster, catastrophe, calamity, accident, mischance, misadventure, mishap:
The company insures against casualties at sea.
2 a victim, fatality, Colloq statistic:
I'm afraid that Jeff was a casualty of last year's cut in personnel. She was only one of thousands of casualties of the earthquake.
(b) Usually, casualties. Chiefly military wounded, injured, missing, missing in action, dead, fatalities, US MIA(s), body count:
The casualties were mounting.

Collocation dictionary

1 person killed/injured in a war/an accident


heavy, high, serious | light | pedestrian | road | civilian, military | human


cause, inflict
The guerrillas inflicted heavy casualties on the local population.
| incur, suffer
Our division suffered only light casualties.


figures, list, rate

2 part of a hospital


be admitted to
He was admitted to casualty with head injuries.
| rush sb to, take sb to


department, unit, ward


in ~
He works as a doctor in casualty.

Concise English dictionary

+someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement
+someone injured or killed in an accident
+an accident that causes someone to die
+a decrease of military personnel or equipment