
US: /ˈbəst/
UK: /bˈʌst/

English Vietnamese dictionary

bust /bʌst/
  • danh từ
    • tượng nửa người
    • ngực (của phụ nữ); đường vòng ngực (của phụ nữ)
    • danh từ
      • (từ lóng) (như) bust
      • to go bút
        • (thông tục) phá sản, vỡ nợ
    • động từ
      • phá sản, vỡ nợ
      • chè chén say sưa
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) hạ tầng công tác (một người nào)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun, adjective
    + verb (bust, bust) or (busted, busted) [VN] (informal)
    1 to break sth: I bust my camera. + The lights are busted. + Come out, or I'll bust the door down!
    2 ~ sb/sth (for sth) (of the police) to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb: He's been busted for drugs.
    3 (especially AmE) to make sb lower in military rank as a punishment
    Idioms: bust a gut (doing sth / to do sth) (informal) to make a great effort to do sth: It's a problem which nobody is going to bust a gut trying to solve.
    ...or bust (informal) used to say that you will try very hard to get somewhere or achieve sth: For him it's the Olympics or bust.
    Phrasal Verbs: bust up (informal) (of a couple, friends, partners, etc.) to quarrel and separate: They bust up after five years of marriage.
    related noun BUST-UP
    bust sth<->up (informal) to make sth end by disturbing or ruining it: It was his drinking that bust up his marriage.
    + noun
    1 a stone or metal model of a person's head, shoulders and chest: a marble bust of Napoleon
    2 (used especially when talking about clothes or measurements) a woman's breasts or the measurement around the breasts and back: What is your bust measurement, Madam? + The dress was too big in the bust. + exercises to tone the bust
    3 (informal) an unexpected visit made by the police in order to arrest people for doing sth illegal: a drug bust
    + adjective [not usually before noun] (informal)
    1 (BrE) broken: My watch is bust.
    2 (of a person or business) failed because of a lack of money: We're bust! + We lost our money when the travel company went bust.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a complete failure
    +the chest of a woman
    +a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person
    +an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
    +ruin completely
    +search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on
    +separate or cause to separate abruptly
    +go to pieces
    +break open or apart suddenly and forcefully
    +lacking funds