
US: /ˈbɑtəm/
UK: /bˈɒtəm/

English Vietnamese dictionary

bottom /'bɔtəm/
  • danh từ
    • phần dưới cùng; đáy
      • at the bottom of the street: ở cuối phố
      • the bottom of a page: cuối trang
      • the bottom of a glass: đáy cốc
      • to sink to the bottom: chìm xuống đáy (biển)
      • from the bottom of one's heart: tự đáy lòng
    • (hàng hải) bụng tàu; tàu
    • mặt (ghế)
    • đít
      • to kick someone's bottom: đá đít người nào
      • to fall on one's bottom: ngã phệt đít xuống
    • cơ sở; ngọn nguồn
      • to get to the bottom of a mystery: tìm hiểu ngọn nguồn của một điều bí ẩn
    • bản chất
      • to be a good man at bottom: bản chất là người tốt
    • sức chịu đựng, sức dai
      • a horse of good bottom: con ngựa dai sức
    • to knock the bottom out of an argument
      • bẻ gãy một lý lẽ
    • to stand on one's own bottom
      • tự lập không nhờ vả ai
  • tính từ
    • cuối, cuối cùng, thấp nhất
      • bottom price: giá thấp nhất
    • căn bản
    • to bet one's bottom dollar
      • dốc túi đánh cược
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm đáy (thùng, xoong...)
    • đóng mặt (ghế)
    • mò xuống tận đáy; ((nghĩa bóng)) xem xét kỹ lưỡng (một vấn đề)
    • (bottom upon) căn cứ vào, dựa trên
    • nội động từ
      • chạm đáy

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, adjective, verb
    + noun
    lowest part
    1 [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the lowest part of sth: Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page. + The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door. + I waited for them at the bottom of the hill. + The book I want is right at the bottom (= of the pile). + farmers who lived in the valley bottoms
    2 [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the part of sth that faces downwards and is not usually seen: The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.
    of container
    3 [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the lowest surface on the inside of a container: I found some French coins at the bottom of my bag. + Allow the tea leaves to settle to the bottom of the cup.
    of river / pool
    4 [sing.] the ground below the water in a lake, river, swimming pool, etc: He dived in and hit his head on the bottom. + I feel safe as long as I can touch the bottom.
    end of sth
    5 the ~ (of sth) [sing.] (especially BrE) the part of sth that is furthest from you, your house, etc: I went to the school at the bottom of our street. + There was a stream at the bottom of the garden.
    lowest position
    6 ~ (of sth) [sing.] the lowest position in a class, on a list, etc.; a person, team, etc. that is in this position: a battle between the teams at the bottom of the league + You have to be prepared to start at the bottom and work your way up. + I was always bottom of the class in math.
    part of body
    7 [C] (especially BrE) the part of the body that you sit on: I'll smack your bottom if you do that again!
    8 [C, usually pl.] the lower part of a set of clothes that consists of two pieces: a bikini bottom + a pair of pyjama / tracksuit bottoms
    of ship
    9 [C] the lower part of a ship that is below the surface of the water
    Synonym: HULL
    10 (in adjectives) having the type of bottom mentioned: a flat-bottomed boat
    See also - ROCK-BOTTOM
    Idioms: at bottom used to say what sb/sth is really like: Their offer to help was at bottom self-centred.
    be / lie at the bottom of sth to be the original cause of sth, especially sth unpleasant: We need to find out what lies at the bottom of these fears.
    the bottom drops / falls out (of sth) people stop buying or using the products of a particular industry: The bottom has fallen out of the travel market.
    bottoms up! (spoken) used to express good wishes when drinking alcohol, or to tell sb to finish their drink
    get to the bottom of sth to find out the real cause of sth, especially sth unpleasant: I won't rest until I've got to the bottom of this!
    more at HEAP n., HEART, PILE n., SCRAPE v., TOP n., TOUCH v.
    + adjective [only before noun] in the lowest, last or furthest place or position: the bottom line (on a page) + your bottom lip + the bottom step (of a flight of stairs) + on the bottom shelf + Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. + Their house is at the bottom end of Bury Road (= the end furthest from where you enter the road). + Sign in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. + the bottom end of the price range + to go up a hill in bottom gear
    Idioms see BET v.
    Phrasal Verbs: bottom out (of prices, a bad situation, etc.) to stop getting worse: The recession is finally beginning to show signs of bottoming out.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 seat, buttocks, rear, behind, rear end, derrière, rump, posterior, hindquarters, breech, fundament, gluteus maximus, Colloq backside, butt, prat, Brit bum, US can, duff, keister or keester, hinie; Taboo Brit arse, US ass; Slang US tokus or tochis or tuchis, tushie or tushy or tush:
    He just sits there on his bottom, never doing a bit of work.
    2 base, foot, foundation, groundwork, substructure, footing, underpinning, fundament:
    A ditch was dug along the bottom of the wall.
    3 basis, foundation, source, origin, cause, heart, nub:
    We have to get to the bottom of the problem.
    4 depths, Davy Jones's locker; bed:
    The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.
    5 at bottom. basically, fundamentally, in the final or last analysis, really, in reality, truly, in truth, essentially:
    Despite her behaviour at the party, at bottom she is very reserved.
    6 Bottoms up! Prosit!, To your (very good) health!, Cheers!, Here's to -!, Skol!:
    Here's to the whole team - Bottoms up!

    Collocation dictionary

    1 lowest part of sth


    a case with a false bottom


    arrive at, fall to, get to, reach, sink to
    He reached the bottom of the steps in no time. The boat sank to the bottom of the sea.
    | touch
    She could only just touch the bottom (= of a swimming pool, etc.).


    end, half


    along the ~
    We rode along the bottom of the valley.
    | at the ~
    at the bottom of the hill
    | from the ~
    strange sounds from the bottom of the well
    | in the ~
    in the bottom of my bag
    | on the ~
    on the bottom of the box
    | near/towards the ~
    near the bottom of the page

    2 least important position


    start at, work up from
    He started at the bottom and worked his way up through the company.


    at the ~, near/towards the ~
    He's near the bottom of the class.

    3 part of the body





    4 basic cause of sth/truth about sth


    be at, lie at
    I'd love to know what lies at the bottom of all this.
    | get to
    The only way to get to the bottom of it is to confront the chairman.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the lower side of anything
    +the lowest part of anything
    +the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
    +the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat
    +a depression forming the ground under a body of water
    +low-lying alluvial land near a river
    +a cargo ship
    +provide with a bottom or a seat
    +strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
    +come to understand
    +situated at the bottom or lowest position
    +the lowest rank