
US: /ˈbʊɹ/
UK: /bˈɔː/

English Vietnamese dictionary

boor /buə/
  • tính từ
    • người cục mịch, người thô lỗ; người quê mùa
    • nông dân

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
(old-fashioned) a rude unpleasant person

Thesaurus dictionary

1 rustic, peasant, yokel, (country) bumpkin, provincial, backwoodsman, US hayseed, hill-billy, Juke, Kallikak, Slang hick:
The boor is blind to the beauties of nature.
2 barbarian, yahoo, oaf, clod, clodhopper, philistine, clown, Grobian; hoyden, Colloq lummox, Slang galoot, slob, US goop, slobbovian:
The guests behaved like boors, throwing their food at each other.

Concise English dictionary

+a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement