
US: /ˈbɑɡəɫ/
UK: /bˈɒɡə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

boggle /'bɔgl/
  • nội động từ giật mình kinh sợ, run sợ
    • chùn lại; do dự, lưỡng lự, ngần ngại
      • to boggle at (about, over) something: chùn lại trước cái gì; lưỡng lự trước cái gì
    • mò mẫm; làm (cái gì) một cách lóng ngóng
    • nói loanh quanh; nói nước đôi

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
[V] ~ (at sth) (informal) to be slow to do or accept sth because you are surprised or shocked by it: Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money.
Idioms: sth boggles the mind (also the mind boggles) (informal) if sth boggles the mind or the mind boggles at it, it is so unusual that people find it hard to imagine or accept: The vastness of space really boggles the mind. + 'He says he's married to his cats!' 'The mind boggles!'

Concise English dictionary

+startle with amazement or fear
+hesitate when confronted with a problem, or when in doubt or fear
+overcome with amazement