
US: /ˈbɫeɪmd/
UK: /blˈe‍ɪmd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

blame /bleim/
  • danh từ
    • sự khiển trách; lời trách mắng
      • to deserve blame: đáng khiển trách
    • lỗi; trách nhiệm
      • where does the blame lie for this failure?: ai chịu trách nhiệm về sự thất bại này?, trách nhiệm về sự thất bại này là ở đâu?
      • to bear the blame: chịu lỗ, chịu trách nhiệm
      • to lay the blame on somebody; to lay the blame at somebody's door: quy trách nhiệm về ai; đỗ lỗi cho ai
      • to lay the blame at the right door (on the right shoulders): quy trách nhiệm đúng vào người phải chịu trách nhiệm
      • to shift the blame on somebody: đỗ lỗi cho ai

Thesaurus dictionary

1 find fault with, censure, criticize, fault; accuse, charge, indict, condemn, point to, point (the finger) at, rebuke, reprimand, recriminate, reproach, scold, reprehend, reprove:
Don't blame me if you can't get to school on time.
2 hold responsible, fix (the) responsibility upon or on, put or place or lay (the) blame on, lay at someone's door, denounce, incriminate:
Why blame Carol for the mess?
3 censure, criticism, reproof, rebuke, recrimination, disapproval, disapprobation, reproach, objurgation, condemnation, reprehension:
The cyclist put the blame for the accident on me.
4 culpability, responsibility; guilt, Slang rap:
Why should you take the blame for something that Donald did?

Concise English dictionary

+an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed
+a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
+put or pin the blame on
+harass with constant criticism
+attribute responsibility to
+expletives used informally as intensifiers