
US: /bɪˈkəm/
UK: /bɪkˈʌm/

English Vietnamese dictionary

become /bi'kʌm/
  • (bất qui tắc) nội động từ, became; become
    • trở nên, trở thành
      • it has become much warmer: trời trở nên ấm hơn nhiều
  • ngoại động từ
    • vừa, hợp, thích hợp, xứng
      • this dress becomes you well: cái áo này anh mặc vừa quá; cái áo này anh mặc hợp quá
      • it does not become you to curse: chửi rủa là không xứng với anh, chửi rủa là điều anh không nên làm
    • to become of
      • xảy đến
    • he has not turned up yet, I wonder what has become of him: anh ấy bây giờ vẫn chưa tới, tôi tự hỏi không hiểu cái gì đã xảy đến với anh ta

Advanced English dictionary

1 linking verb to start to be sth: [V-ADJ] It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. + It soon became apparent that no one was going to come. + She was becoming confused. + [V-N] She became queen in 1952. + The bill will become law next year. + She's studying to become a teacher. + His job has become his whole life.
2 [VN] [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses) (formal) to be suitable for sb: Such behaviour did not become her.
3 [VN] [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses) (formal) to look attractive on sb
Synonym: SUIT
Short hair really becomes you.
Idioms: what became, has become, will become of sb/sth? used to ask what has happened or what will happen to sb/sth: What became of that student who used to live with you? + I dread to think what will become of them if they lose their home.

become / get / go / turn
These verbs are used frequently with the following adjectives: become ~ get ~ go ~ turn ~
involved used to wrong blue
clear better right sour
accustomed worse bad bad
pregnant pregnant white red
extinct tired crazy cold
famous angry bald
ill dark blind
Become is more formal than get. Both describe changes in people's emotional or physical state, or natural or social changes.
Go is usually used for negative changes.
Go and turn are both used for changes of colour.
Turn is also used for changes in the weather.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 turn or change or transform into:
The princess kissed the prince, who immediately became a frog.
2 grow or develop or evolve into; mature or ripen into:
It's hard to believe that this dull caterpillar will eventually become a splendid butterfly.
3 enhance, suit, fit, befit, be proper or appropriate for, behove or US behoove:
Moonlight becomes you, It goes with your hair.
4 grace, adorn:
Walter was a man who became the dignity of his function as a commissionaire.
5 become of. come of, happen to:
What will become of you if you don't go to school?

Concise English dictionary

+enter or assume a certain state or condition
+undergo a change or development
+come into existence
+enhance the appearance of