
US: /ˈbæʃfəɫ/
UK: /bˈæʃfə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

bashful /'bæʃful/
  • tính từ
    • rụt rè, bẽn lẽn, e lệ

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
shy and easily embarrassed: He was too bashful to talk about sex.
bashfully adverb: She smiled bashfully.
bashfulness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

1 shy, retiring, embarrassed, meek, abashed, shamefaced, sheepish, timid, diffident, self-effacing, unconfident; ill at ease, uneasy, uncomfortable, nervous, self-conscious, awkward, confused, Colloq in a tizzy, US and Canadian discombobulated:
Henry is so bashful in the presence of women that he blushes merely talking to them.
2 modest, coy, unassuming, unostentatious, demure, reserved, restrained, Rare verecund:
When we first met, she was a bashful young girl of fifteen who had no notion of her own beauty.

Concise English dictionary

+self-consciously timid
+disposed to avoid notice