
US: /ˈbɑɹn/
UK: /bˈɑːn/

English Vietnamese dictionary

barn /bɑ:n/
  • danh từ
    • kho thóc
    • ngôi nhà thô sơ
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chuồng trâu bò, chuồng ngựa
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nơi để xe điện

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 a large farm building for storing grain or keeping animals in: a hay barn + They live in a converted barn (= a barn that has been turned into a house).
see also DUTCH BARN
2 a large plain ugly building: They live in a great barn of a house.
3 (AmE) a building in which buses, trucks, etc. are kept when not being used
Idioms: close, etc. the barn door after the horse has escaped (AmE) = close, lock, etc. the stable door after the horse has bolted at STABLE n.

Concise English dictionary

+an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
+(physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter