
US: /ˈɑfəɫ/, /ˈɔfəɫ/
UK: /ˈɔːfə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

awful /'ɔ:ful/
  • tính từ
    • đáng kinh sợ; uy nghi, oai nghiêm
    • dễ sợ, khủng khiếp
      • an awful thunderstorm: cơn bão khủng khiếp
    • (từ lóng) lạ lùng, phi thường; hết sức, vô cùng; thật là
      • an awful surprise: một sự ngạc nhiên hết sức
      • an awful nuisance: một chuyện thật là khó chịu; một thằng cha khó chịu vô cùng
    • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đáng tôn kính

Advanced English dictionary

adjective, adverb
+ adjective
1 (especially spoken) very bad or unpleasant: That's an awful colour. + 'They didn't even offer to pay.' 'Oh that's awful.' + It's awful, isn't it? + The weather last summer was awful. + I feel awful about forgetting her birthday. + to look / feel awful (= to look / feel ill) + There's an awful smell in here. + The awful thing is, it was my fault.
2 (especially spoken) used to emphasize sth, especially that there is a large amount or too much of sth: It's going to cost an awful lot of money. + There's not an awful lot of room. + I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday. + (BrE) I had an awful job persuading him to come (= it was very difficult).
3 very shocking
the awful horrors of war
awfulness noun [U]: the sheer awfulness of the situation
+ adverb (informal, especially AmE) very; extremely: Clint is awful smart.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 bad, terrible, inferior, base, abominable, rotten, horrible, horrid; tasteless, unsightly, ugly, hideous, grotesque, Slang lousy, Brit naff, Chiefly US hellacious:
That is an awful piece of sculpture. I feel awful this morning.
2 frightful, shocking, execrable, unpleasant, grotesque, nasty, ghastly, gruesome, horrendous, horrifying, horrific, horrible, unspeakable:
That was an awful thing to do.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, look, smell, sound, taste
I felt awful when I realized what I'd done. The fish tasted awful.


just, quite, really, simply, truly
a truly awful book
| absolutely, the most
She's the most awful snob.
| pretty, rather

Concise English dictionary

+exceptionally bad or displeasing
+causing fear or dread or terror
+offensive or even (of persons) malicious
+inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence
+extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
+inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
+used as intensifiers