
US: /ˌɔθɝəˈzeɪʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

authorization /,ɔ:θərai'zeiʃn/
  • danh từ
    • sự cho quyền, sự cho phép
    • uỷ quyền, quyền được cho phép

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE also authorisation)
+ noun
1 [U, C] official permission or power to do sth; the act of giving permission: You may not enter the security area without authorization. + Who gave the authorization to release the data?
2 [C] a document that gives sb official permission to do sth: Can I see your authorization?

Collocation dictionary


formal, official, written | prior
You will need prior authorization from your bank.


need, require | ask for, seek
He asked for authorization to proceed with the plan.
| get, have, obtain | give sb, grant (sb) | refuse (sb)
The government will probably refuse authorization under these conditions.
| revoke


with/without ~
You cannot take a day off without authorization.
| ~ for
Formal authorization for the trip was given last week.
| ~ from
The change of plan would require authorization from the minister.

Concise English dictionary

+a document giving an official instruction or command
+the power or right to give orders or make decisions
+official permission or approval
+the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant