
US: /əˈθɛnɪk/, /əˈθɛntɪk/, /ɔˈθɛnɪk/, /ɔˈθɛntɪk/
UK: /ɔːθˈɛntɪk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

authentic /ɔ:'θentik/
  • tính từ
    • thật; xác thực
      • authentic signature: chữ ký thật
      • authentic news: tin thật
    • đáng tin

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 known to be real and genuine and not a copy: I don't know if the painting is authentic.
2 true and accurate: an authentic account of life in the desert + the authentic voice of young black Americans
3 made to be exactly the same as the original: an authentic model of the ancient town + Take a trip on an authentic Spanish galleon to the famous Papagayo beach.
authentically adverb: authentically flavoured Mexican dishes + an authentically constructed Wild West town

Thesaurus dictionary

genuine, real, actual, bona fide, factual, accurate, true, legitimate, authoritative, reliable, veritable, trustworthy, faithful, undisputed:
This is an authentic Chippendale chair.

Concise English dictionary

+conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
+not counterfeit or copied