
US: /ˈænəˌmeɪtɪd/
UK: /ˈænɪmˌe‍ɪtɪd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

animated /'ænimeitid/
  • tính từ
    • đầy sức sống, đầy sinh khí
    • nhộn nhịp, náo nhiệt, sôi nổi
      • animated discussion: cuộc thảo luận sôi nổi
    • được cổ vũ, phấn khởi lên

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 full of interest and energy
Synonym: LIVELY
an animated discussion / conversation + Her face suddenly became animated.
2 (of pictures, drawings, etc. in a film) made to look as if they are moving: animated cartoons / graphics / models
animatedly adverb: People were talking animatedly.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 lively, quick, spirited, active, vivacious, energetic, vigorous, excited, ebullient, enthusiastic, dynamic, vibrant, ardent, enlivened, passionate, impassioned, fervent:
In the corner, Terence was engaged in an animated conversation with Mary.
2 mechanical, automated, lifelike, moving:
Each Christmas, the shop has an animated window display.

Concise English dictionary

+having life or vigor or spirit
+made to appear to move as living creatures do

+heighten or intensify
+give lifelike qualities to
+make lively
+give new life or energy to
+belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings
+endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life
+endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness