
US: /ˈædʒəˌteɪtɪd/
UK: /ˈæd‍ʒɪtˌe‍ɪtɪd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

agitate /'ædʤiteit/
  • ngoại động từ
    • lay động, rung động, làm rung chuyển
    • khích động, làm xúc động, làm bối rối
      • I found him much agitated: tôi thấy anh ta rất bối rối (rất xúc động)
    • suy đi tính lại, suy nghĩ lung; thảo luận
      • to agitate a question in one's mind: suy đi tính lại một vấn đề trong óc
      • the question had been agitated many times before: vấn đề đã được thảo luận nhiều lần trước đây
    • agitate for, against xúi giục, khích động (để làm gì, chống lại cái gì...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
showing in your behaviour that you are anxious and nervous: Calm down! Don't get so agitated.

Thesaurus dictionary

moved, stirred (up), shaken (up), rattled, disturbed, upset, nervous, perturbed, jittery, jumpy, uneasy, ill at ease, fidgety, disquieted, discomfited, ruffled, flustered, unsettled, unnerved, wrought up, discomposed, disconcerted, aroused, roused, excited, Colloq discombobulated:
The sheriff was in a very agitated state about the mob forming outside the jail.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, look, seem, sound
He sounded very agitated on the phone.
| become, get, grow | make sb


deeply, extremely, highly, very | increasingly | a little, quite, rather, slightly | visibly


She's agitated about getting there on time.
| at
She started to grow agitated at the sight of the spider.


in an agitated state
By now he was in a very agitated state.

Concise English dictionary

+troubled emotionally and usually deeply
+physically disturbed or set in motion
+thrown from side to side

+try to stir up public opinion
+cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
+exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for
+move very slightly
+move or cause to move back and forth
+change the arrangement or position of