US: /əˈɡɹɛsɪv/
UK: /ɐɡɹˈɛsɪv/
UK: /ɐɡɹˈɛsɪv/
English Vietnamese dictionary
aggressive /ə'gresiv/
- tính từ
- xâm lược, xâm lăng
- công kích
- hay gây sự, gây gỗ, gây hấn, hung hăng, hùng hổ
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) tháo vát, xông xáo, năng nổ
- danh từ
- sự xâm lược
- sự công kích
- sự gây sự, sự gây hấn
- to assume the aggressive: gây sự
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective
1 angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack: As a teenager Sean was aggressive and moody. + a dangerous aggressive dog
2 behaving in a very determined and forceful way in order to succeed: an aggressive advertising campaign + A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market.
aggressively adverb: 'What do you want?' he demanded aggressively. + aggressively marketed products
aggressiveness noun [U]
Thesaurus dictionary
1 combative, warlike, martial, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, disputatious, litigious; hostile, unfriendly:
The Germanic tribes were known to the Romans as aggressive and hardened warriors.
2 forward, assertive, forceful, bold, Colloq pushy:
Dennis's aggressive nature may yet make him a good salesman.
Collocation dictionary
1 likely to fight/argue with other people
be, feel, look, seem, sound | become, get | make sb
Watching violence on TV makes some children more aggressive.
extremely, particularly, really, very | increasingly | quite, rather | openly
Her mood became openly aggressive when his name was mentioned.
He warned that his dog was aggressive towards strangers.
2 behaving in a determined way
extremely, highly, very
the company's highly aggressive marketing techniques
| fairly, somewhat
Concise English dictionary
+having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends
+tending to spread quickly
+characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight