US: /ˈstək/
UK: /stˈʌk/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
stuck /stick/- danh từ
- cái gậy
- que củi
- cán (ô, gươm, chổi...)
- thỏi (kẹo, xi, xà phong cạo râu...); dùi (trống...)
- (âm nhạc) que chỉ huy nhạc (của người chỉ huy dàn nhạc)
- (hàng hải), (đùa cợt) cột buồm
- (nghĩa bóng) người đần độn; người cứng đờ đờ
- đợt bom
- (the sticks) (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) miền quê
- as cross as two sticks
- (xem) cross
- in a cleft stick
- ở vào thế bí, ở vào thế tiến lui đều khó
- to cut one's stick
- (xem) cut
- to want the stich
- muốn phải đòn
- ngoại động từ stuck
- đâm, thọc, chọc
- to stick a pin through something: đâm đinh ghim qua một vật gì
- to stick pigs: chọc tiết lợn
- cake stuck over with almonds: bánh có điểm hạnh nhân
- cắm, cài, đặt, để, đội
- to stick pen behind one's ear: cài bút sau mái tai
- to stick up a target: dựng bia lên
- stick your cap on: đội mũ lên
- dán, dính
- to stick postage stamp on an envelope: dán tem lên một cái phong bì
- stick no bills: cấm dán quảng cáo
- cắm (cọc) để đỡ cho cây
- ((thường) + out) ngó, ló; ưỡn (ngựa), chìa (cằm), phình (bụng)...
- to stick one's head out of window: ló đầu ra ngoài cửa sổ
- to stick out one's chest: ưỡn ngực; vỗ ngực ta đây
- (ngành in) xếp (chữ)
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) làm sa lầy, làm vướng mắc, làm trở ngại; giữ lại ((thường) động tính từ quá khứ)
- the wheels were stuck: bánh xe bị sa lầy
- I was stuck in town: tôi bị giữ lại ở tỉnh
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) làm bối rối, làm cuống, làm lúng túng
- I'm stuck by this question: tôi bị câu hỏi đó
- to stick somebody up: làm ai luống cuống
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) lừa bịp
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) chịu đựng
- đâm, thọc, chọc
- nội động từ
- cắm
- arrow sticks in target: mũi tên cắm vào bia
- dựng đứng, đứng thẳng
- his hair stuck straight up: tóc nó dựng đứng lên
- dính
- this envelope will not stick: cái phong bì này không dính
- ((thường) + out) ló ra, chìa ra, ưỡn ra, nhô ra
- bám vào, gắn bó với, trung thành với
- to stick to the point: bám vào vấn đề
- to stick like a bur: bám như đỉa đói
- friends should stick together: bạn bè phải gắn bó với nhau
- to stick to one's promise: trung thành với lời hứa của mình
- are you going to stick in all day?: anh sẽ ở nhà suốt ngày à?
- sa lầy, mắc, kẹt, vướng, tắc; bị chặn lại, bị hoãn lại, đi đến chỗ bế tắc
- carriage stuck in the mud: xe bị sa lầy
- he got through some ten lines and there stuck: nói đọc trôi được mười dòng rồi tắc tị
- the bill stuck in committee: đạo dự luật bị ngăn lại không được thông qua ở uỷ ban
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) bối rối, luống cuống, lúng túng
- to stick around
- (từ lóng) ở quanh quẩn gần; lảng vảng gần
- to stick at
- miệt mài làm, bền bỉ tiếp tục
- to stick at a task for six hours: miệt mài làm một công việc luôn sáu giờ liền
- to stick at nothing: không gì ngăn trở được; không từ thủ đoạn nào
- to stick by
- trung thành với
- to stick down
- dán, dán lên, dán lại
- ghi vào (sổ...)
- to stick it [out]
- chịu đựng đến cùng
- to stick out for
- đòi; đạt được (cái gì)
- to stick to it
- khiên trì, bám vào (cái gì)
- to stick up
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) ăn cướp bằng vũ khí
- to stick up for
- (thông tục) bênh, bảo vệ (một người vắng mặt, quyền lợi...)
- to stick up to
- không khúm núm, không phục tùng; đương đầu lại
- to stick fast
- bị sa lầy một cách tuyệt vọng
- to stick in one's gizzard
- (xem) gizzard
- to stick in the mud
- (xem) mud
- if you throw mud enough, some of it will stick
- nói xấu một trăm câu, thế nào cũng có người tin một câu
- some of the money stuck in (to) his fingers
- hắn tham ô một ít tiền
- cắm
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective [not before noun]-see also STICK v.1 unable to move or to be moved: The wheels were stuck in the mud. + This drawer keeps getting stuck. + She got the key stuck in the lock. + I can't get out-I'm stuck.
2 in an unpleasant situation or place that you cannot escape from: We were stuck in traffic for over an hour. + I hate being stuck at home all day.
3 ~ (on sth) unable to answer or understand sth: I got stuck on the first question. + I'll help you if you're stuck.
4 ~ (for sth) not knowing what to do in a particular situation: If you're stuck for something to do tonight, come out with us. + I've never known him to be stuck for words before.
5 ~ with sb/sth (informal) unable to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want: I was stuck with him for the whole journey. + I'm stuck with this job for the moment.
Idioms: get stuck in
get stuck into sth (BrE, informal) to start doing sth in an enthusiastic way, especially to start eating: Don't wait for me-get stuck in. + There's a lot to do so get your jackets off and get stuck in! + I want to get stuck into the job as soon as possible.
Thesaurus dictionary
1 pierce, thrust, stab, transfix, pin, spike, impale, spear, spit, run through, poke, gore, jab, prick, puncture, punch, penetrate, drill, bore, riddle, perforate:
He stuck the wild boar with his spear.
2 put, drop, place, deposit, Colloq shove, plonk, plunk, plop:
Stick another ice cube in my drink, would you?
3 put, poke, push, thrust, prod, dig; insert:
She stuck her head out of the window to get a better look. Stop sticking your finger in my ribs!
4 attach, fasten, affix, fix, nail, pin, tack; glue, cement, paste, gum, weld, solder, bind, tie, tape, wire; bond, melt, fuse, unite, join:
What shall we used to stick the poster to the wall? How can I stick the pieces of the vase together again?
5 Often, stick together. cohere, adhere, stay or remain or cleave or cling together:
I cannot make these parts stick together.
6 hold, last, endure, go through, be upheld, be or remain effective, remain attached:
The prosecutor was unable to make a charge of murder stick.
7 linger, dwell, remain (fixed), continue, stay; be or become lodged or stopped or fixed or fast or immovable or stationary, be or become entangled or enmired or bogged down:
Something sticks in my mind about your leaving next week. We were stuck in the Sunday traffic for hours. The wheel is stuck in the sand.
8 burden, weigh down, encumber, saddle with, charge, impose on, force on:
We stuck Tony with the nasty job of changing the tyre.
9 baffle, puzzle, bewilder, perplex, confuse, stump, stop, nonplus:
I was totally stuck for a solution.
10 stand, abide, tolerate, endure, bear:
I can't stick people watching me while I am painting.
11 stick around or about. wait, tarry, linger, stay, stand by, remain, Colloq hang around or about or on:
Can you stick around for a few minutes after the meeting?
12 stick at. stop at, hesitate at, pause at, scruple at, be deterred or put off by, take exception to, shrink from or at, balk at:
Barnes sticks at nothing to get his way.
13 stick by. support, be loyal or faithful to, stand by:
Arnold will stick by you, come what may.
14 stick it (out). persevere, persist, stand fast, bear it, be resolute, soldier on, hold (one's) ground, grin and bear it, see it through, weather it, Colloq US tough it out:
It was a very hard job, but I stuck it out to the very end.
15 stick out or up. protrude, jut (out), extend, project, poke (out); bulge, obtrude, stand out, overhang, beetle:
Stick out your tongue. What is sticking out of your ear? Balconies stick out from all sides of the building.
16 stick together.
(a) unite, unify, join (forces), consolidate, merge, confederate, amalgamate, cooperate, work together:
The family always sticks together at times of crisis.
(b) See 5, above.
17 stick up.
(a) rob, mug, Colloq hold up, US heist:
They stuck up a bank courier this morning, in broad daylight!
(b) put up, post, affix, display:
We went round town sticking up posters for our candidate.
18 stick up for. rally to the support of, support, stand by or up for, defend, speak for or in behalf of, take up the cudgels for; put one's money where one's mouth is, have the courage of one's convictions:
A person must stick up for what he thinks is right.
19 stick with. persevere, persist, stay or remain or continue with, not change one's mind about:
Stick with me, kid, and you'll wear diamonds. I'll stick with the smoked eel as a starter.
1 stake, twig, branch, baton, wand, staff, rod, cane, pole, pike, walking-stick:
We put a stick in the ground to mark the place.
2 person, man, fellow, chap, Colloq guy, Brit geezer, bloke:
Desmond isn't such a bad old stick after all.
3 the sticks. the country, the provinces, the countryside, the backwoods, the bush, Brit the hinterland or US the hinterlands, Australian the outback, US the boondocks, the boonies:
He hates the city and now lives somewhere in the sticks.
4 wrong end of the stick. misunderstanding, misreading, misconstruction, misinterpretation:
When it comes to understanding a regulation, Ed always seems to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.
be | become, get | remain | get sth
firmly | completely, fast
I couldn't budge the drawer?it was stuck fast.
She got the key stuck in the lock.
| onto, to
The tiles were stuck firmly to the wall.
Concise dictionary
+caught or fixed
+an implement consisting of a length of wood
+a small thin branch of a tree
+a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane
+a rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine
+informal terms of the leg
+a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball
+a long thin implement resembling a length of wood
+marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
+threat of a penalty
+fix, force, or implant
+stay put (in a certain place)
+cause to protrude or as if to protrude
+stick to firmly
+be or become fixed
+be a devoted follower or supporter
+be loyal to
+cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface
+fasten with an adhesive material like glue
+fasten with or as with pins or nails
+fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something
+pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument
+pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed
+come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation
+saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous
+be a mystery or bewildering to