US: /sinˈjɔɹɪti/
UK: /sˌiːnɪˈɒɹɪti/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
seniority /,si:ni'ɔriti/- danh từ
- sự nhiều tuổi hơn, sự cao cấp hơn, sự thâm niên (trong nghề nghiệp)
- seniority allowance: phụ cấp thâm niên
- sự nhiều tuổi hơn, sự cao cấp hơn, sự thâm niên (trong nghề nghiệp)
Advanced English dictionary
+ noun [U]1 the fact of being older or of a higher rank than others: a position of seniority
2 the rank that you have in a company because of the length of time you have worked there: a lawyer with five years' seniority + Should promotion be based on merit or seniority?
attain, gain
by ~
Promotion in the job was by seniority.
in order of seniority, a level of seniority, next in seniority
On the death of the captain, the officer next in seniority assumed command.